4. Sister

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A/N: As the story progresses, the chapters will get longer. The chapters written in her fourth year are for background knowledge, but are important.


"Have you seen that boy you were snogging at the Slytherin party? He was quite a cutie, wasn't he?" Lilla said while winking and showing a slight smirk on her lips.

"I've seen him here and there. I am not interested in a steady boyfriend. Plus, Cedric has the games to think about. He should not be distracted with the likes of me. I also have to focus on schoolwork and working on my legilimency. Mother and father are counting on me to uphold the family skill." Astoria said proudly.

"Do you always have to do your parents bidding? It seems as if they put a lot on your shoulders Tor- " Lilla began to say before she was cut off by a largely rounded Professor with a magical eye.

"Welcome class, to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I am Professor Moody, and you shall call me Moody." Mad Eye Moody was a friend of Dumbledoor's and was asked, personally, to teach the students about defense against dark spells.

Astoria scribbled down a few notes until she felt a piercing pain in her head. It felt as if someone was plunging into her skull with a knife, and she let out an intense yelp. Her sounds of discomfort must have attracted the ear of the Professor Moody.

"Miss. Greengrass do you need to be taken to the Hospital Wing?" Moody looked over at Astoria with concern.

"No-No! I am fine. My head is just spinning. I am sorry, Professor, may I please excuse myself to the lavatory?" Astoria held her head and swiftly exited the classroom.

Astoria ran into the girl's lavatory and examined herself in the mirror. She ran her fingers through her scalp and could not figure out what had just happened. The pain had subsided, but she heard a ring in her left ear. Just as she was about to retreat a girl appeared from the corner of the bathroom. She had brown curly, bushy hair and was carrying more books than she should. She was an attractive Gryffindor student with doe brown eyes.

"Can I help you in anyway? Your scream sounded intense. If you do not want to see Madam Pomfrey, I can run a quick diagnostic spell on you. I am no healer, but I have read many books on the subject." The kind girl approached her and was just about to wave her wand to run the diagnostic until Astoria grabbed her wrist.

"No! No thank you. I should be fine, I am sometimes prone to migraine attacks. Are you in my class or something?" Astoria said while rubbing circles on the side of her head.

"I am. My name is Hermione Granger. You're from the Beauxbaton Academy correct?"

Astoria nodded. "Indeed. I traveled here with Fleur and a few of my other friends. We are here to support our champion and take part in the games."

Hermione glanced down to Astoria's neck to admire the green emerald necklace she was wearing.

"Wow. That is a gorgeous necklace... I apologize I do not know your first name."

"I am Astoria and thank you. It is a family emerald necklace." She said while keeping her hand on the jewel.

Astoria held up her necklace and it was indeed a moderately sized green emeraled with a gold snake wrapped around the top. Astoria's father had given it to her when she first went to France to study at the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic.

A few days had passed since Astoria's migraine episode in D.A.D.A (Defense Against The Dark Arts) class and she was determined to find the brunette boy she was snogging at the party.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now