50. The Diary

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"Who are you!" Astoria yelled out while still pointing her wand at the woman."

The woman cocked her head to the side and released a low laugh. The woman touched the tip of Astoria's wand and physically lowered it.

"Me? Why, I am you." The woman said bluntly.

Astoria's eyes snapped open, and she was gasping for breath. Beads of sweat were dripping from her forehead as she was scanning her room. The dream she had felt real, too real, it almost felt like a memory, but Astoria could not put her finger on where it came from. Before she could form another thought her bedroom door burst open.

"Good, you are awake. Downstairs, now." Bellatrix spat.

Astoria rolled her eyes and swung her legs over her bedside. She and Lilla have been "hidden" away in Portofino for a few weeks, and it seems the daily routine it is becoming stale. Every morning Bellatrix LeStrange wakes up Astoria and makes her practice dueling with Lilla until her arms feel numb. Bellatrix has been given strict instructions by the Dark Lord that Astoria can handle a proper dueling match, learn to become quick on her feet and develop a sense of strength with casting dark curses. It is not secret that war was approaching, and a battle was underway, Astoria was just unsure of the timeline. She feared that she would be locked away in Italy for years waiting to hear that she can return to Britain.

Although some days, when Bellatrix ordered Astoria to get some much-needed rest she found herself sitting by the water and imagining she was in the Highlands of Scotland back at Hogwarts. Sometimes she longed for singing on the large oak tree that overlooked the Black Lake. She was thankful that the Dark Lord allowed Lilla to join her during this time, but she felt guilty for taking Lilla away from her life at Hogwarts. Even if Lilla kept reassuring her that she would stand by Astoria no matter what.

On some days, after training concluded Astoria sat on the terrace and the snake, Nagini, would slither by her and stay with her. Astoria discovered a strange comfort by talking to a reptile that could not talk back. She often wondered why her Master ordered Nagini to stay with her during her time in Italy, but she learned early on it is not wise to question her master's actions. When Astoria would discuss how she was feeling, what she was thinking to Nagini she had a strange feeling the snake was listening to her. Like she could understand what Astoria was prevailing to her, but she quickly discarded that thought and came to realize that snakes cannot understand English, only pareseltongue.

"Dueling is a form of dancing. With every move you make it needs to be fluent. Your wand is an extension of your arm, dearie." Bellatrix said while extending Astoria's arm more. "Come on now move with me. You there, shoot some curses." Bellatrix said while pointing at Lilla who was standing on the opposite side of the room.

Astoria felt her body being guided by Bellatrix's hands and with every curse Lilla shot at her, she began to move more fluently and swiftly.

"Marvelous! Your Master would be so pleased with how well you are doing." Bellatrix stated while putting her hands through Astoria hair in a strange way.

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