13. Whore

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Astoria sat on the leather couch and took a cigarette out from her purse. She put the cigarette between her lips and lit it. She inhaled deeply and exhaled and passed the cigarette to Pansy.

"I see we have a bad habit." Draco spat.

"It's the only thing that keeps me calm when I am around you. You tend to make my blood boil." Astoria said back.

Astoria took the fire whiskey bottle and took a large slug of it. "Let us play a game. We can play one of those fun muggle drinking games." Pansy exclaimed.

Draco and Blaise looked at each other and rolled their eyes in annoyance.

Astoria was not too experienced with muggle games, but she did enjoy anything that had to do with alcohol. Once the sweet burning sensation touched her throat, she developed liquid courage and was not afraid to say or do anything.

"Oh—Don't be a couple of perdants and play whatever game my lovely friend wants to play." Astoria flicked her wand and conjured up a bottle of wizarding vodka.

Wizard made vodka was made slightly different than muggle vodka. Wizarding vodka enhanced mood, magical mischief, left no hangover effects and had no burning sensation when tasted alone. Wizard vodka was Astoria's liquor of choice and she tended to keep a secret bottle stashed in her pockets whenever she needed some liquid courage.

"Oh -la -la- ma che'rie. Since when do we speak French?" Pansy asked while nudging Astoria.

Astoria was a little more than tipsy at this point. She felt her eyes become hazy and she was having trouble keeping balance, and she was sitting...

"Pan-Pansy Parker-Parkinson. I studied in France. Wee Wee. You think I would not speak French? Idiote." Astoria laughed into her hands.

When Astoria was beyond intoxication her French speaking became more prominent. She did not enjoy speaking French particularly, since she was a native English speaker, but since most of her classmates spoke French it was only natural for her to learn the native language.

"Alright. Now we are going to play this very interesting muggle game I discovered over the summer. It is called "never have I ever." Pansy said while taking a slug of fire whisky.

"That sounds positively tosh. Why would we play a muggle game when we could play Wizards Toss?" Draco tossed his hands in the air and received the bottle of fire whiskey from Blaise.

"Let us play for a while Malfoy. It may be a jolly good time." Blaise said.

"Thank you Blaisey boy. Now. I will start." Puff. Pansy turned facing everyone. "Now— how this works is—is if you have done something you take a drink." Pansy demonstrated while throwing back an empty bottle of whisky.

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