34. Masquerade

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Halloween night was finally here. Pumpkins lined the hallways of the castle and the great hall. First years were high on sugar and causing commotion in the hallways. It became official that Pansy was starting to fall in love with Draco. It was obvious. She talked about him constantly, her eyes lit up when she did. She would kiss him before she went into her classes, and he would be there for her when she was done. Astoria concluded that he forgotten about her and pushed her out of his mind. He belonged to Pansy now and Astoria needed to come to terms with it.

Astoria never hinted at ever fancying Draco, but she kept her emotions hidden quite well. Thanks to her trained occlumency she was able to appear happy for her friend who was falling in love, with the man she cared for most. 

Tonight, was the Halloween masquerade party at Lilla's family estate and Astoria's nerves were leaping from her skin. She would be escorted by Theo for the night and she was relieved she had someone she could trust to lean on. Theo knew the situation between her and Malfoy so if she needed saving Theo will swoop in.

Lilla left the day before to assist her family with the party preparations, and she also mentioned that her family had pressing matters to discuss with her. Astoria was sure she would get the full scoop when she saw Lilla the following night at the party.

At breakfast Pansy was drawing on about how beautiful her dress was and how stoked she was to be attending a masquerade. Astoria looked at Draco and he looked like he wanted to shove a potato in her mouth to make her shut up. Astoria could not fathom why Draco always looked so disgusted every time Pansy opened her mouth. He has been "seeing" Pansy for several weeks now and everything seemed off kilter.

It was not Astoria's concern. She needed to focus on her own costume and Theo's.

"Are you excited Tori? You and Theo are going to look so adorable walking in together." Pansy inquired cheerfully. Poor Pansy was so in the dark with everything that was happening with Astoria she almost felt sorry for her. A passing thought.

"Quite, and yes we will. Won't we Theo?" Astoria asked coolly while glaring at Nott.

"Are you mental? We are going to be the best-looking pair there!" Theo exclaimed loudly causing Astoria to let out a laugh. Theo gave her a small wink and she continued to eat her bacon.

A few hours later and it was time to dress and portkey to the Dubois Estate. Pansy was starting to put on her dress when she called out for Astoria to help her. Astoria was in the bathroom regarding herself. At the last formal party, she attended she wore a fire red, diamond filled dress with a low back. This time she was planning on looking more striking than ever. Astoria's dress was an emerald green satin long hemmed dress, with a low-cut neckline and an open back. She finished up the last touches to her makeup and strutted out of the loo to notice Pansy struggling.

Pansy glared at Astoria and smiled. Astoria gave her a warm smile and a tiny shrug.

Pansy walked over to Astoria and placed her hands on her shoulders, glaring into her eyes. "You look gorgeous, Tori. Theo is going to bust himself just looking at you." She stated while giving a wink.

Astoria zipped up Pansy's black colored dress and told her she looked beautiful as well. Theo and Draco were waiting for the girls in the common room while they finished dressing. The girls grabbed both their masquerade masks and walked out the door. Pansy had forgotten to grab the portkey and scurried back inside the dorm for awhile leaving Astoria to walk down the staircase and face the boys first, alone.

When she crept out and peered over the top stairs, she saw both boys waiting at the bottom. Astoria began to ascend down the stairs and all she heard was pure silence. When she got to the bottom, she met Draco's eyes. His eyes fixed on hers. She felt her breath begin to slow and her heart rate begin to increase. Draco looked outstanding in his suit with a dark green tie. Just as she was about to break eye contact, she noticed he let out a long exhale and gave her a cracked smile. She broke the gaze and saw Theo.

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