8. Golden Egg

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The first task of the TriWizard tournament has concluded. All the champions have collected their eggs the dragons provided, and they are tasked with discovering the secret message within the egg.

Fleur and Astoria were in the library discussing how to make sense of the screaming inside the egg.

"There must be some way to figure out this stupid egg. When you open it all it does is screech?" Astoria slammed the book she was reading shut out of frustration.

Fleur was becoming more tense because she heard from the other champion, Harry Potter, and he had not been able to figure out the egg.

"I spoke to Harry. He seemed more worried than I was. We are all confused. I have not spoken to Viktor or Cedric... hey... perhap-perhaps you could speak to Cedric." Fleur kept her head facing down on her potions class notes and deliberately not making eye contact with Astoria since she brought up Cedric.

Since the incident in the great hall with Daphne, Astoria and Cedric have kept their snogging secluded to classrooms, dark hallways and occasionally by the black lake.

Astoria adored Cedric, but was heart broken how her sister found out about their companionship. There was no label on the relationship, except the couple were obsessed with one another.

Cedric looked into Astoria's eyes like she was a beautiful flower blooming in adversity. Astoria looked into Cedric's eyes with happiness and lust.

"I can ask him. I am actually planning on meeting him for a little... study session after I am finished researching with you."

The girls were silent for a few minutes and Astoria rose to her feet.

"I am going to head out. Do not wait for me for dinner, I am not very hungry. I will meet you back at the dorm later and let you know if Ced has any information on the egg."

Fleur gave a short-wave goodbye and Astoria smiled at her, quickly departing the library to meet Cedric. She almost made it out of the archway until she tripped over her own two feet and her books, notes and quills went flying into the air.

"Dammit." Astoria quietly cursed to herself.

She was reaching for her potions textbook until she saw a pair of leather men's shoes standing before her.

It was Malfoy.
Standing there in his Slytherin robes and his house tie.

He looked down on Astoria and rose his left eyebrow.

"I never thought you would get on your knees for me so soon, Greengrass."

Malfoy quietly chuckled to himself while not helping Astoria pick up her belongings.

"Trust me Malfoy. You will not find me on my knees for you." Astoria shot back.

"Oh, that's right. You prefer pussy Hufflepuff's with no backbone."

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