33. Refashioned Handcuff

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Astoria kept to herself for the next few days after the, quite eventful, spin-the-bottle night. She quickly realized she had no grounds to be angry at Pansy or Draco. What Draco and Astoria shared was a friendship based off similar traumatic experiences. Their fondness of one another was based off them comparing scars.

When Astoria was in France she was quite fond of reading research muggle studies on psychology and relationship development. Madame Maxime told her it was meaningless study work because people who could do magic can easily hear peoples thoughts. Astoria thought differently. She was intrigued with why people chose to hurt people and why some people collide while others sever. Before she left France, Astoria read a study about couples falling in love while going through similar struggles. The man and the woman would have deep intimate conversations and compare their hardships. Overtime, a bond would create, and they would not want to be without the other person, resulting in a union. Astoria chalked up that this is what hers and Draco's relationship was, except they got to the point of a union. Overtime, the desire to be with him would fade and she would learn to not need him as a safety net.

Astoria took her seat in potions class and quickly Pansy sat next her. From Pansy's perspective, Astoria was acting as herself and nothing was wrong. From Astoria's perspective, Pansy shagged the guy she fancied, but could not confront her because Draco and she were not officially together. A stressful situation, but Astoria just kept slightly quiet and listened to Professor Slughorn.

Astoria happen to notice that Draco was paired up with Hermione Granger. It seemed odd because he would talk about how he despises mudbloods and how much he had hoped that she would pitch herself off the astronomy tower. She thought nothing of it and continued to brew her potion. Just as she was about to cut some aconite Pansy leaned in toward her.

"Psst- Tor. Do you think I could borrow your green cocktail dress?"

Astoria thought about the uses Pansy needed for a cocktail dress but then an explanation came into her head that she did not want to think about.

"I need it for tonight. Draco and I are heading into London for the night. You do not mind, do you?" Pansy asked lowly.

She most certainly did mind, but maybe this would be a good thing. Draco becomes smitten with Pansy and Astoria can come to terms that it was never meant to be.

Astoria shook her head casually and gave her friend a small crack of a smile. But she wanted to say, "NO NO NO. Back the fuck up." But she stayed quiet for the rest of the class.

Astoria decided to skip her last class of the day and go sit at her favorite oak tree by the Black Lake. She leaned her head back against the tree, closed her eyes and breathed in the crisp air. It would be getting cold real soon so she wanted to soak up as much time in the warmer air as Astoria could.

As she felt herself slowly drifting off, she felt someone plop down next to her and nudge her slightly. It was Theo coming over for a smoke.

"Hey there hot lips." He said playfully with a chuckle.

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