21. Memorada

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A quiet crack and Astoria stood outside her master's headquarters. It was a grand estate owned by Antonin Dolohov.

Here we go. She thought to herself.

Astoria strutted through the halls of the mansion. The many portraits on the wall were whispering as she walked past.
"She's back." One elder man said in a portrait.
"The Dark Lord's golden property has blessed us with her presence." Another snippy elder portrait spit out.

Astoria rolled her eyes, and she made her way into the library. She knew her master spent countless hours reading battle stories of the great leaders before him. Hitler. Genghis Khan. Mao Zeodong. Countless others. The Dark Lord pulled strategies or tactics from each of their war stories. In his image he would create a society based on blood-purity and wizarding strength.

She approached the door and knocked quietly. She took a few deep breaths and felt her hands ball into fists and slowly release.

"Come in." The voice said distinctly.

Astoria pushed her way and closed the door behind her slowly.

"You called for me?" Astoria said almost bored and making her way over to the table.

Lord Voldemort was dressed in his usual black robes, face terrifyingly alien like and no shoes. She always wondered why he never wore shoes. Was it to be more grounded or was he against protective soles? Odd.

"Yes, my dear. Come." Voldemort waved his hand over to her and pointed to a seat next to him.

She sat herself down and gave him an inquisitive facial expression. What could he possibly want at this moment? She was fulfilling her duty with the Malfoy's, even thought Draco was being distant. Then she  worried that her conversation with Lilla was exposed. Perhaps Voldemort knew Lilla shared concealed information regarding his plan to experiment on muggle-born witches and wizards. Now she feared for Lilla's safety.

"How can I be of service, my Lord?"

Voldemort, still looking down at his book and waving his finger at the quick ink quill, began to speak. Plainly and slowly.

"My dear, Astoria. As you know your union with the Malfoy boy is crucial. I trust that Lucius and Narcissa are treating you with the utmost respect and grace?" Astoria shuddered slightly and adjusted her posture. Before she could respond he spoke again. He leaned in forward making extensive, blood curdling eye contact with her. "I would not my precious girl to be treated poorly. Especially by people who have once disappointed me in the past."

Astoria knew Narcissa and Lucius were treating her with as much respect as they could. Except for Lucius' odd encounter with her in the hallway, but she shoved that to the back of her mind. Narcissa was one of the sweetest women she had ever met, but there was always a tenseness in the air. Narcissa knew the union between her son and Astoria was detrimental to not only her son's life, but to hers and Lucius'. Astoria always felt the tension in the air when she was with Narcissa. Perhaps the reality of the matter was Astoria was to be the new mistress of the Manor and Narcissa was displeased with being replaced.

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