52. Bonded

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Draco entered the formal dining room to have a seat next to the Dark Lord. A meeting amongst the high council has been called to discuss further details in the takeover of Lord Voldemort.

"I trust our numbers have risen to better our cause?" Voldemort inquired while stroking the Elder Wand.

Draco nodded. "Yes, my Lord. Nott and I have personally been inquiring about these matters. The overthrow will be quite easy. The uprising numbers in magical creatures is outstanding and by the summer we shall be ready to strike."

Voldemort remained silent for a few moments until his gaze met Theo's. "Excellent. Then by June the Wizarding World will be under my command."

Theo nodded and clasped his hands on the table. "Indeed, my Lord. Do you require anything more from Malfoy or I in preparation?"

Lord Voldemort stood abruptly and began to sway around the room until he peered at the men. "Yes, I do require one more task. Tomorrow morning travel to Dolohov's estate and fetch me a package. It is of the utmost importance."

Draco and Theo nodded in acceptance and the meeting concluded. Draco apparated from the Manor and appeared in front of a tiny Scottish Inn on the outskirts of Glasgow. Draco apparated into his room and began to strip himself of his Death Eater army attire. He poured himself a whiskey and splashed his face with water. He began to read a book on Alchemy when he heard an almost silent crack from behind him.

"How was the meeting?" Hermione inquired while taking off her sunglasses and head wrap.

Draco took a slug of his whiskey and scoffed. "I just wasted half my day discussing plans I have no interest in. I am still the Dark Lord's fucking errand boy."

Hermione walked over to Draco and whisked the glass from his grasp leaving him to scoff at her once more. "Am I barred from indulging in whiskey now?" He spat.

Hermione rolled her eyes and poured herself a glass while refilling his. Draco chuckled and took the glass, and they clinked. She sat on the opposite chair from him.

"How are you coping lately?" Hermione inquired hesitantly.

Draco snorted and crossed his leg over his knee. "You mean, 'how am I handling the death of the woman I loved most in this world'? Bloody fantastic, Granger."

Hermione stood up and knelt before Draco with sorrow filled eyes. "I am sorry. By the time I learned of the Order's plans it was too late. It is my fault she is dead." She started to place her hand on his and he swiped it away causing Hermione to sigh.

Draco tilted her head up with his hand. "I am not going to rehash what was already discussed. Those bloody bastards will pay for what they've done."

Hermione set her glass down on the table and sat on Draco's lap while wrapping her arms around his neck. "I am still unsure how they found out about her location in Italy. I heard Remus and Moody discussing an Eye within the Dark Lord's council."

Draco swallowed the rest of his whiskey and grasped onto Hermione's hips. "I haven't a clue. Whomever it was, they will pay. I will line up Mad Eye Moody, Lupin, and the backstabbing bastard in the council up against a wall and exterminate them. They took away what I cared about most in this world." Draco growled.

Hermione cocked her heard and leaned in closer to Draco's face. "Surely not the only thing you care about I hope?" Hermione whispered.

Draco hesitated, his lips almost connecting with hers but something within him made him stop. He lowered his head and exhaled. "Granger, I know what you expect out of me, and I cannot provide."

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