47. Switzerland

650 19 66

November 1997

             It was the next morning and Draco was waiting for Hermione's arrival. He did not know which emotion he was feeling more. Anxious upon spending the day with someone who once shared his heart, or guilt for betraying Astoria. The thought of Draco doing this all for Astoria put his mind at ease, but not completely. The Dark Mark was beginning to tingle sporadically the last few days, but Draco paid no mind. Draco knew that he would not have the comfort of this apartment for much longer. Lord Voldemort was gaining power and growing stronger as the days came and left. Astoria's emerald necklace was kept close in Draco's trousers pockets and anytime he needed a sense of being near her he gave it a squeeze.

"One day, I want to paint the most beautiful painting and hang it in my entry hall for all the world to see." Astoria boldly while massaging her thumb with Draco's.

Draco enjoyed listening to Astoria talk, Merlin knows she does it often. The sound of her voice soothed his mind and gave him optimistic thoughts about a future, a real future for them.

"You would fill my house with all your own paintings?" Draco asked cautiously.

Astoria turned around to meet his gray eyes and a large smile crept across her face. "Your house?"

Draco smiled and kissed her forehead. "Our house?"

"Well, the lady of the house does manage the decorations. How would you feel about a large, gaudy painting of my own in the entry hall? It would have my signature at the bottom for all guests to see." Astoria then proceeded to sway her wand to reveal her signature in the air.

"I am sure it will be lovely." Draco said lowly.

Draco shook his head and continued to dress himself until Theo came into the room.

"Mate, I think she is outside."

Draco peered over the terrace to see Hermione down below dressed in her trench coat, stockings, and tan ankle boots. He felt Theo touch his shoulder.

"Are you sure about this? What of Astoria? I thought you- "

"I am doing this for her. This is what the mudblood's terms consisted of. I am no bloody choice. It seems I never do." Draco spat.

Draco went into the apartment, snatched up a bottle of fire whiskey and took a fierce slug.

"Do not lose your head, mate. Astoria needs you." Theo said pleadingly.

"I know what I am doing. Do you think I am going to throw away everything I have with Astoria for a mudblood who is stuck on me? Forget it- "

Theo seized the bottle and tossed it aside.

"You are still sweet on this girl. I can see it. Which is why I am tellin' you do not lose yourself." Theo said while shoving his friend lightly.

Draco scoffed and shoved him back. "Tell the bloody bastard outside my door to leave the apartment alone for the day. Tell him I am busy."

Draco proceeded to walk back out onto the terrace and peered down once more at Hermione who was patiently waiting. The way he figured he had two options. The first to go with Hermione, do as she say for the next day and endure his presence. The second option being forgetting this entire plan and coming up with a new one to find Astoria. Half of Draco's mind was leading him toward the second, but he knew there was no other plan that he could see that did not involve Polyjuice potion. He whipped out his wand and apparated to the street's alleyway away from prying eyes.

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