68. Blood of My Blood

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Draco clipped on his cufflinks and regarded himself in the mirror, he looked exceptionally fine today, he thought to himself.

He heard a knock at the door and tilted his head to witness Theo poking inside.

"Mate, she is ready. The Portkey is set up for her in a secluded area, and arrival point is miles away from the safehouse."

Draco nodded and padded Theo on the shoulder. He had planned a surprise for his fiancé and hoped that nothing bad will come of this kind gesture. After all, every bride deserves to be surrounded by support on the first day of their rest of her life.

"I greatly appreciate you doing this for me. I cannot wait to see the look on Astoria's face." Draco said with hope.

The first wedding Draco held with Astoria was beautiful, but the most important aspect did not happen, the actual marriage ceremony. Auror's ambushed the ceremony and Draco was forced to flee the scene with Astoria. However, this time around he was determined in perfecting every detail.

Draco and Astoria had their ups and downs, but when it came down to it, they always chose one another.

The Scotland winter was beautiful. Snow covered the ground, along with sparkles when the sun glared over the land. Some of the fondest memories Draco has as an adolescent was exploring Hogwarts' grounds during winter. He was often accompanied by Crabbe or Goyle, but after he met Theo in his third year the other two drifted away.

When Draco and Theo were in their fourth year, preparing for the Yule Ball, the two wizards sat near the Black Lake to sneak peaks at the Beauxbaton Carriage, just hoping for one of the lovely ladies to pop out.

"Do you reckon that pretty little blonde is in their? Primping her cheeks or powdering her nose?" Theo asked while handing Draco a small flask. "Mate, I would give my left pinky for a taste of her—"

Draco scoffed and nearly choked on the flask.
"Are you talking about that bobble-head, Astoria? I do not understand how you find her attractive." Draco spat while taking a slug.

Theo laughed and nudged his friend. "I can just see it, ya' wanker. She moves differently than the rest, and carries herself differently, plus she is easy on the eyes, and have you seen her arse? Quite fine for a girl her age."

Draco rolled his eyes and did not take his eyes off the beautiful carriage that sat no more than a hundred meters from him. He wondered if the ladies were jabbing about local news, or whether their bum looked exquisite in their evening gown. Now, he was thinking about the mental little blond witch who he had not often paid much mind too, until this moment. Was she inside getting fitted for her gown or was she in the castle waiting for her date? Who was her date? Would she be accompanied by a slimy Durmstrang git or a Hogwarts prat? In that moment, Draco remembered he had to accompany Pansy to the ball. He let out a long sigh, and knew it would be a long Christmas Eve...

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