16. Roses

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With a short crack of sound Astoria appeared in front of the tall hedges and walkway of Malfoy Manor. Before she would walk through the gates she decided to have a cigarette to calm her nerves. So many thoughts were plowing through her mind as she took short drags.

Astoria had not seen Granger since the day she almost gauged her eyes out with her nails. She found them. She found him all over her.

She hated Granger with a passion. But still had a deep love for Draco that she had to find a way for the mudblood to remain unharmed in the upcoming war.

The Dark Lord is planning on experimenting on mudbloods to discover a curse to extract magic from any witch or wizard that is not blood pure.

Astoria had mixed feelings, but she had to shove any doubts she had in the way back of her mind. No one will be able to see her innermost thoughts.

She was a trained in the art of occlumency. She learned at a young age that her mind was sacred and any thought that was special to her needed to be pushed to the back.

Astoria walked to the back of the estate to the rose gardens. She touched the petals with her fingers and adored looking at the vibrant colors.

She wondered if she would ever again be free.

You are as beautiful as a rose my dear. You surely have blossomed into the most desirable woman.

Astoria flinched at the memory and walked away from the rose garden.

She did not enjoy thinking about her master. The memories of him regarding her, speaking softy into her ear. Saying things that turned her blood cold.

She walked into the manor to find none of the Malfoy's were at home.

Soon a small elf named Topsy appeared before her.

"Hello Miss. The Master and his family have left for the night. Would you let Topsy bring some dinner to your quarters?"

Topsy seemed to be an old elf. She had green eyes and was wearing rags and no shoes.

Astoria gave a short nod and the tiny elf disappeared.

This would be the perfect time for her to wander the manor without interruptions.

She found it was odd the Malfoy's went away without announcing but she paid no mind.

Astoria was only at the manor once before her initial arrival. The estate was so enormous it was difficult for anyone to see all of it in one visit.

She walked through the halls, investigated rooms, and eventually found one interesting room.

It was a room with a king-sized bed, a dark oak dresser, a bookshelf filled with interesting reads, a record player, and a nicely sized bathroom.

It was Draco's room.

Astoria could tell by the smell of the room. It smelled like papyrus and his cologne.

She walked over to the window and noticed he had a view of the gardens below.

She thought to herself what a room to be able to paint in with such a view.

Astoria made her way over the dresser. There were a few pieces of memorabilia lying about.

A Slytherin "Seeker" badge.

Two quills followed by a piece of parchment lying beneath.

A book titled, "Pride and Prejudice." One of Astoria's favorite books.

As she looked under another book there was a photo of Lilla, Theo, Draco and Astoria in the Slytherin common room.

Draco had his arm around Astoria, and she had her hand on his knee. They were smiling at each other while Theo and Lilla smiled at the camera.

So much happiness in one picture.

As she was memorizing the photo the door bursted open and she dropped it.

"Roaming about?" Draco said as she walked toward her with his eyebrow quirked.

Astoria gathered herself and put on a strong façade.

"Well. I was left here alone so what else was I supposed to do? Not very polite to leave your fiancé without announcement." Astoria rose her eyebrows.

Draco scoffed and snatched the picture away.

Draco did not say anything. He began to try and lead Astoria out of his room.

"I remember when that was taken. It was at the end of our sixth year. Before- "

Astoria stopped herself.

"It was a long time ago." Draco said while looking down.

Astoria was confused. Why did he still have that photo?

Astoria stopped and faced the pale blond before her.

"Wh-Why do you still have that picture laying about?" Astoria asked almost pathetic sounding.

Draco gave a low laugh and looked Astoria in the eyes.

"I was going through old trash that needed to be discarded. I just did not get around to tossing that photograph out yet." He said in a cold tone.

Astoria felt her heart crush. She knew Draco was not fond of her anymore, but she did not think he hated her.

They were going to be husband and wife. She needed to push old memories to the back of her mind.

Astoria hesitated before speaking. She straightened her posture and put the tip of her pointed finger under Draco's chin.

"Don't you remember what happened that year Draco?" Astoria said while smirking at him.

"We would sneak off to the astronomy tower and you would kiss me for hours. Tell me how you would always yearn for me. I was yours and you were mine. The type of fire that you can feel throughout your body." Astoria's body was pushed up against his. Hoping he would react to what she was saying.

"Yes Astoria. I remember. I would advise you to stop reminiscing about your past and face reality. That was the year I realized who you were. You chose one path and I chose another."

Astoria glanced up at Draco.

"And... yet here we are. Our paths led to each other again."

Draco hesitated and pulled away.

"No, Astoria. You are not the girl I thought you were that is why- "

"You fucked her didn't you." Astoria yelled.

She felt her chest begin to heave. She had not seen Draco since the Battle of Hogwarts. Destiny took her on a path away from him for a while. She saw him and everything came rushing back. The love she felt. She thought she could repress it back with occlumency. She remembered everything that got taken from her that night.

"Astoria. I am not discussing this further with you. If you would be so kind to go to your quarters and leave me be. I have pressing matters to attend to."

With that Astoria felt something around her neck begin to burn.

She was being summoned.

"As do I. Do not wait up for me. I shall return home when I am finished with my meeting."

Astoria strutted out of the room and out the front door.

Her Master was calling upon her.

Always, Astoria Where stories live. Discover now