19. The Occlumens Master

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Malfoy and Astoria decided on when they would be practicing her lessons, they would do it after sunset in the courtyard. Close enough to the castle for safety but far enough so they would not draw attention. Snape gave them special permission to leave the castle after dark so they would be left alone during her practice.

Astoria did not want anyone to know why she was spending time with Malfoy after nightfall. It might bring up some false accusations and she did not have the heart to tell Pansy how much time she was going to spending with the man with whom she fancied. Astoria felt it was best to "lay low."

Malfoy decided for the first few weeks they would have three lessons a week to build up her skills and mental strength. In the process she would also be practicing her legilimency.

A few days after the meeting in Snape's office it was time for her first lesson. Astoria glanced at her watch and noticed it was almost seven o'clock. She threw on a black shirt, followed by a plaid blazer and jeans. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she put on some perfume.

"Do we have a date?" Pansy asked as she walked out of the dorm bathroom with hair wet and wrapped in an emerald green towel.

Astoria had to think of an excuse Pansy would buy so she would not ask many questions.

"I am just going to smoke some grass with Lilla for a while. She has had a rough time with one of her professors, so she needs some relaxation. I got some weed from when we went to London. I will not be gone more than two hours. Don't wait up for me."

Pansy told her to have fun and casually dismissed the conversation. She proceeded to enter back into the bathroom to blow-dry her wet hair.

Astoria felt awful lying to one of her best friends, but she did not have the heart to tell her the truth. She knew if Pansy found out she was training with Malfoy she would presume to think Astoria and he were dating. It would crush Pansy.

Astoria made her way outside into the courtyard. The wards that covered the castle at night let her pass through, per Snape's prior approval. It was an empowering feeling to break the rules but with permission.

Astoria looked all around for the blond but he had not arrived yet. Since he was tardy she decided to have a quick smoke. His fault for not being on time, plus Astoria's nerves were jumping through her skin. A relaxation cigarette was much needed.

After about three drags she heard footsteps behind her. She gently reached for her wand and pointed it behind her.

It was Malfoy.

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