1 - S L U G H O R N

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"Are you just going to stand there?" Blaise yelled at me. I stood there silent unable to talk. I clench my fists preparing for the pain that is headed my way. "I asked you a question, and what do you do when I ask you a question?"

"Respo-" before I could answer he kicked my ribs causing a crack to be heard. I feel my chest fall from the lack of air I need, my lungs started to fail on me. "Pl-" I tried to let out but, he kept looking me down while kicking me. He didn't care, he is heartless. I thought this would change over time. But even at Hogwarts this year he was still the same. He was controlling. He got anything he wanted, from anyone. 

"No- you need to learn to respect me!" He knelt down to me, going right to my face meeting my gaze. He pressed his lips against mine kissing me after what he just did. "You know I love you." He said greeting me with one last kiss before leaving me on the ground in my dorm. I felt the feeling of betrayal. Betrayal because he said he loves me but he doesn't show it. Well, just by kissing me after he finishes hurting me. He only hurt me in places that could be covered. My thighs. My arms. My stomach. Never any place else. He made it so that no one could see my pain. I know how to hide it. 

He said if I show it, I will get hurt for everyone to notice. I flinched just by the words. No one knows what I go through on a daily basis. No one. I thought I could tell someone. Ah, I can't risk it. I try to stand up, I fall right back down again. I try one more time and finally succeed. 

I stand up and hide all of my bruises easily with the supplies he gave me to cover them up. I hate doing this. I apply the cover up that only lasts seven hours. I grab all of my books heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I don't eat, it will come right back out. I sit by the doors and just gaze upon the room; no one is here. I soon get bored and get up to go to potions. I set my bag on the ground next to my chair. I look in the room to see it is empty. I get up really early. I start to feel watched. I look around and see nothing. 

"I'm over here." He says smirking at me. Draco Malfoy. In the same house as me, though I truly think I am meant for another house. Maybe Ravenclaw. I am the smartest in the whole sixth year. Evan past Granger. Me being cunning surpassed that by a lot. Including my ambition. I didn't realize I had forgot he was here. "Still here." He looks me down. 

"What do you want Malfoy?" I say not wanting to deal with another snarky Slytherin. I get my book out looking through the pages. I glance over each word, reading it. I can feel his eyes piercing through me. I finally look up. "Got a staring problem?" I ask, trying to sound confident.

"No, I want you to come sit next to me." He pulls out a chair and pats the middle as in asking me to come sit next to him. I swallow, hesitating for a moment. 

"Are you asking me to sit with you?" I ask smirking. I look up at him to find he is smiling for a moment, that soon turned into a straight dark serious face. I look down at my book ignoring him completely. I want nothing to do with him. I have communication with nobody. I have no friends. Just Blaise Zabini as a boyfriend. 

"No, I wasn't asking. I was telling you." He says smoothly and waits for me to get up and join him. He grows impatient. "Or do I need to tell Blaise." As soon as he said that I flinch, by the look of his face he notices this. I gather my things and cross the classroom arriving to his table. I sit on the other side from him. He looks intrigued he speaks up and says, "By me." I look him dead in the eye and he doesn't realize what he is doing. 

"But if Blaise sees-" He cuts me off.

"He wont mind. It's Blaise. He's cool with anything." He says coolly. He doesn't know the Blaise I do. I get up slowly, and take my things scooting them to him. I sit by him. "Stone tell me. How is Zabini?" 

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