15 - I W O N T N E E D T H O S E T H I N G S

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Third Person

She walks out completely ignoring him. She goes over to her wardrobe and picks an outfit out. He goes over to her to try to talk to her and she ignores him, just grabbing her clothes. "Please say something." Draco says trying to get her attention.

She ignores him going back in the bathroom. She shuts the door blocking him out. Changing she hears him sit against the door she continues to change until she is finished seeing nothing else to do, so she walks out. He scrambles to get up and stumbles after her. She walks out of her dorm down into the common room and clocks Marcus. She goes over to him. "You're not in to domination are you?" She asks knowing Draco can hear her. 

"No why?" He asks her wondering why she would ask a question like that. 

"Oh, because when you have a whatever the hell Draco is to me, wanting to dominate you in the shower it is kind of weird so I just wondered if you're into it because I have no idea why the hell he is. It is weird isn't it? Wanting to dominate someone. Having the need to 'punish' them. Slapping them until they have to use a safe word to stop them. He has no need to do that to someone who I thought up until recently me." Alexandra says breathing heavily. 

Marcus is at a loss and just plays it out. "No I never have wanted to- uh- to- dominate someone I have no use of it and shit." He stops looking before her. He sees Draco and shuts himself up. "Well it was nice seeing you on this lovely day." He says before leaving the area dazed and confused. But shrugs it off. 

Draco however walks over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. she pushes it off. "Seriously you had to tell him that? I am probably the only one here who does that to people." He says mistaking his words. She looks up at him with disbelieve. "No that's not what I-"

"Oh, it's not what you meant? You mean to say you have been promiscuous for a long time and I didn't know? You have been sleeping with everyone because it makes you feel some sort of erection? That is fucked up." She stops feeling hazy. "I need to go. Just I may need assistance please." She says leaning on him to stay balanced. He quickly picks her up carrying her to her dorm. He stays with her laying on the bed with her on his chest soundly asleep. 

He whispers to her while she is what he thinks sleeping. "I was that. I am committed to you. As much as I'll ever be. I put on a cold front with other people. I am dominate that is what I am. But I am willing to change that if it is what you need. I will do anything for you. Just know that. Please forgive me. God. You'll probably never look at me the same. Dammit I always screw everything up in my relationships." He mutters. She moves her self around getting comfortable on top of him. 

"No. You don't. It takes two to mess something up in relationships. And I am pissed, yes. But I will get over it. Again there are somethings you are used to getting that I will never ever be able to give you." She says looking up at him. 

"I won't need those things. I promise. I need you more." He says pulling her closer to him. And looking at each others lips they attach kissing softly. It turns into more than just a kiss quickly when she moves her hips putting one knee on each side of him straddling him. Draco tears off her shirt revealing nothing underneath. 

He continues to take clothes off one by one until nothing is left but her soft pink panties. She chuckles that he is still dressed and that she is almost naked.  "I don't ever want you to be afraid of your body you have a beautiful body Alexandra." He says sliding her panties down to her knees. 

He takes his shirt off ripping his pants returning to her. She collapses on him to see his reaction. "Nope not today." He says and picks her body up flipping her over. He gets on top of her and takes off his underwear. He lines his dick at her entrance not giving any warning. She moans loudly in his ear and he is built up with euphoria. He goes in and out shaking the bed hearing the wood crack with each thrust. She digs her nails into his back causing him to do the same. Her hips begin to rock under him. To stop herself she puts her legs around his back, wrapping around him for life. 

Quickly she feels her walls clench around his cock. He feels it too so he quickens his pace. He went all the way out and threw all of him inside her. With each thrust she moaned which was telling him to keep going. He sustained fast paces making her lungs to need air. She trembled underneath him, underneath the pressure. 

She could feel her thighs loosing balance, and her climax approaching. He could feel his too. But before anything else he slowed down and took her hands. He locked them above her head with his hand making it stay. She was one more thrust away from her climax. "I-" IS all she let out and he knew so her did one final big thrust inside her and she released on him. He kept going fast and soon right after he came inside her. 

She tried to get up to attempt to go to the bathroom but quickly sunk back down trapped. She couldn't move. She was paralyzed and he laughed at her. "Draco! Why? I need to walk places. I don't want to be in a wheelchair!" she yelled at him. He came over to her and gave her puppy eyes. 

"I'm so sorry baby." He said sarcastically before smirking and going to the bathroom leaving her jaw dropped open. He loved the feeling of her trembling under him. It gave him pleasure. He knew that was fucked up but he still loved it. She crawled to the bathroom getting water watching him step into the shower. She felt the cool tiles rub against her legs that were sliding behind her. She took a glass and filled it with water to drink. When she filled it up she drank it quickly from the lack of moisture she had. 

She went to her wardrobe and got a hoodie to just throw on. She crawled back into bed putting up the hood hiding herself. Laying there mad at him she frowned and breathed in air from her nose to release from her mouth. Her jaw clenched at the thought of him breaking her legs. How dare he. And in a matter of no time he comes out fo the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He goes to her wardrobe and pulls out clothes she didn't even know were in there. "When did those get in there?" She asks him wondering when he put his clothes in her closet/wardrobe. 

He doesn't answer until he finishes getting dressed. "Yesterday I did." He says to her. But when did he? She didn't ask that, it was better to keep wondering. He was walking over to her when Pansy and Adrian walk in hand in hand. Adrain turns to Pansy and whispers "Laters babe." He says and kisses her. Adrain walks out leaving Pansy. Draco walks over to Alexandra. 

"Laters babe." He smirks and kisses her knuckles. When he leaves Pansy smirks at Alexandra.

"So. You are dating Draco I see." She says and sits on her bed. Pansy looks at her impressed. 

"Yeah and I can't walk it is irritating. I don't know why males have to do that to us." Alexandra says wanting to punch Draco. 

"So you slept together." She laughs at Alexandra. "Let me guess he tried to dominate you?" She asks and Alexandra bites her lip trying not to get mad. 

"Yep. In the damn shower." She breathes in and out. "It is just- wait. How did you know he likes to dominate people?" Alexandra asks wanting to know why and how Pansy knew that information. Unless. No they couldn't of had- You are overreacting Lex. She said to herself. Looking at Pansy, Pansy did a vague expression. 

"Seriously?! Everyone knows that and only a dare devil would do him. And I see you have. So you're telling me you didn't know that? I think you should take it at your own pace though. For you  I think he could make one wrong mistake and It would break you. I think that you should definitely take it at your own pace." She says in a soft tone wrinkling her eyebrows. 

"Okay I am Pansy there is nothing to worry about." Alexandra said reassuring her. But Alexandra wasn't completely sure herself. She wondered if she needed a break. 

She needed to leave Hogwarts for a while. Visit her mom. So she packed her things up wondering why all of a sudden she was having doubts? She was just fine with him. But why did he leave her here when she needed assisting to? She needed answers and knowing him he wouldn't give them. Knowing him, he has a ton of secrets that he is covering. 

She walked to her door with her things wanting to go to her grandmas to talk with her. She needed opinions, not opinions of horny teenagers, but from her grandma. Someone who has been through life that has had experienced incidents close to this. She needed an adult opinion. And she needed it now. So she left without a word to anyone. She was going to show up to her grandmas with out word. She was going to appellate there with everything. 

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