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"It's not. I p- It's not."

Alexandra Stone.

She woke up to him. All of her things were packed is what she noticed. She was a little sad she didn't get a goodbye. When she got up she felt an ache between her legs obviously remembering last night, and smiling at the thought.

As she walked around her room she went to her trunk and found a letter sitting on top, presented beautifully. She took the letter walking back to her bed. Alex sat down and opened the letter. Inside was a folded piece of parchment. She took it out and it was two pages of lettering. She began to read the first page.

Dear Alexandra,

I wanted to tell you goodbye when you fell asleep, but I didn't want to wake you up. So I left this letter and a kiss on your forehead. You are arranged to go with Theodore to Hogwarts, just a reminder, I wasn't so sure you were listening to me last night. But you will go with Theodore to Hogwarts today as you are reading this I have arranged everything.

So, you will go with Theodore where I told him to take you, I am sorry but apperation is the way you will get there the fastest I informed him too. When you get there Snape is going to be waiting at the doors for you. I almost forgot, you should leave around 10. If not sooner. Snape is siding with me in this, but portraying his act well with the dark lord.

Anyway you will get there Snape will be waiting he is going to lead you guys to the safest place there, my dorm. I did enchantments on it and everything. Keep in mind no magic is able to undo it but mine. When you are in there, no one can hear you, no one can see you, no one will know you are there. That is why it is safest. Theodore if anyone will keep you safe.

I made him promise. He will. I know you probably don't like how arranged this is, but it is how it has to be now. Hogwarts isn't like it used to be. It's changed. A lot. I know there is going to be a war there this year.

The page ended. Not wondering about the war she set aside that page and got the next one. She braced herself for details about the war she was about to read again and she started reading again.

Now, I have estimated the war to be around May 1st or so. When that time comes I need you to hide. Hide in the bottom of Hogwarts, just keep safe. Away from the battle. Please I need one less thing to worry about. I will see you before the war too. I will, I promise. No, in fact I will tell you where to go. There is a room. The room of requirement. Go there. Hide in there.

If anyone causes you trouble use my glare. The threatening glare that tells people to fuck off. Use it in case of anything. I know this is hard for you. It's hard for me too.

But I love you. I would do anything to protect you, and keep you safe. I love you. I love you. I love you. I can't say it enough. Keep safe. I am sorry, I know what you are thinking, "Why does this sound like goodbye?" You are saying to yourself right now. It's not. I p- It's not.

I love you so much- love, Draco.

A tear dropped down her cheek. She looked at the clock across the room, 08:58. Standing up she went to the bathroom and got ready. She wasn't ready to leave. What was on her mind though, was why didn't he promise that it wasn't goodbye? She left it alone thinking that he had enough on his mind.

She exited the bathroom with her things, going into the living room to see Theo sleeping. She smiled and sat on the other couch. Lex too laid down trying to squeeze one second of sleep in. Theodore woke up before she could. She shot up and smiled. "Good morning." He said groggily.

"Good morning." She said in a soft voice. He smiled too, and went to go get ready.

Not even ten minutes later he came out ready and with his stuff. "That was fast even for you." She said looking down.

"Yeah bit of a time crunch." He said going into the kitchen. She followed him. He got a cup and filled it with water. He downed it fast. "Alright we should get going," he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. She nodded.

As they had everything in hand he looked at her with pleading eyes for forgiveness, it was always hard apperating with things in hand. He wheels out his arm and she hesitated to take it. She wanted to stay here with Theodore. But at the same time wanted to return home. Life would be different there. 

Her life would be controlled. She didn't want that. It was what had to happen. As soon as her palm hit his arm they apperated. They stumbled with their things and fell to the ground. Alex felt like vomiting. She thought she was going to then she swallowed it. Theodore laughed it off. 

They approached the castle slowly. The castle soon came into view. She was reminded of all of the memories. They flashed before her. Even the ones with Blaise. She had forgotten mostly about him. He never crossed her mind lately. Snape came into view as well. As they all got closer he looked ill. 

He had bags under his eyes, and looked as if he hadn't got a second of sleep lately. "Mr. Nott and Ms. Stone, follow me." He said with zero enthusiasm in his voice. They trotted behind him. Going through the castle was another flash of memories. It even triggered the faintest ones. 

The entrance to their common room appeared. Snape turned to face them. "I think you have it from here. Mr. Malfoy surely told you guys where to go." He said leaving them. They went in the common room up to Draco's dorm. They were both staying in there. It was going to be about the same as the beach house. 

She just hoped Draco and Theo were safe and happy. Theo sat down on one of the beds and huffed. "Well, a week around here without anyone, should be okay. Right?" He asked and laid back on the bed. 

"Yeah." She said exhausted. She too laid back. Their gazes were met and both shut in unison. They fell asleep. What they didn't know is everyone would be coming back tomorrow. It was a bit of a surprise. 


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