23 - P O E M ' S

24 2 2

TW: Character Death

Third Person Alexandra

She disapperated back home and walked through the door with tears threatening to pour out of her eyes. She went into the kitchen where her food sat chilled on the table. Her grandma was asleep on the couch so she went on the porch to think.

The clouds were gloomy and dark therefore she knew it was going to rain. She still sat out there wanting to be in complete darkness. Still traumatized she looked into the yard, unable to get the picture of Draco's trembling self with the dark lord. Voldemort. It shocked her to the max. Never did she think she would be that close to him. When he was there she could practically see his pale dry skin with a clear view.

All she wanted was Draco here with her so she could comfort him, and for him to do the same. She did turn him soft; only in times like this. When he wanted nothing more than to stay with her forever. That would never happen.

The rain slowly started to pour on her. She had gotten up from the chair to lay on the cement. Watching as droplets of water left dots all over her. She started to hum when the rain got heavier and stronger. She gave up on humming and huffed. She looked up at the sky and her sight fogged up. She liked the sting sensation.

She laid here for a hour focusing on the grey clouds that moved North. She wanted to follow them. But that was only an imagination. She got up and dried off in the garage, and went inside. Her grandma was still sleeping unconscious in another world. She went past her and walked back to her room where she got a towel and new clothes to take to the bathroom for a shower.

Her shower made her think of the showers with Draco. No. She thought. She needs to stop referencing everything to him. Just focus on what you're doing. She told herself, trying to do by that. She did try desperately to. It kind of worked, but she longed for him. Still.

She got out of the shower feeling revived. Alexandra walked to her room and changed into her more comfortable clothes and plopped on her bed. Trying to make minimum noise. She grabbed her book she kept on her. Night stand. Her poem book. Their poem book.

Opening up her poem book to the first page she smelled the old frail pages and traced her fingers over the paper. She started reading the lively lettering and began reading the full book.

'I am not numb,

I feel everything everyone else does,

I am just used to it and can hide it while

internally dying...'

'A part of me wants to move on and forget you,

but another part of me wants to remember how happy

you made me.'

'I don't pay attention to the world ending.

It has ended for me many times.

And began again in the morning.'

Her eyes went glassy and she closed the book setting it carefully on her nightstand. She heard a groan come from the room her Grandma was in and got up. She made her way to the room and saw her Grandma looking out a window. "Hey Grandma. I was going to ask you earlier if you visited Mum and Dads grave yet?" She asked her Grandma.

With the connection they had they could talk about anything. "Grandma are you sleeping with your eyes open?" She asked laughing. Still no response. Her Grandma had been fighting against a horrible curse that a death eater had done a while ago.

Alexandra walked over to her and tapped her gently. "Grandma?" She asked softly. She was awake. But nothing. She went to feel her pulse. Nothing. Her veins iced. She took her grandma and laid her on the floor.

She began resuscitation. Even beats. She said to herself. She had been there for about an hour. She wasn't tired. And a knock came from the door. She was crying so hard she couldn't form a sentence. "Come in!" She tried to yell.

She heard the door open and someone walk in. It was Theo again. He rushed over to them and pulled Alex off of her. He held her in his arms. She was shaking and crying uncontrollably. "Shh it's okay Lex everything's okay." He said trying to calm her down.

"No everything is not okay!" She yelled. "The only part of my family I had left is dead! I've lost everything. Where am I going to go?" She said to him and he held her tight.

"With me." He whispered in her ear, and she fell back into him. "Love, just you can come with me. We'll go to my dads old house." He comforted her. She nodded and got up.

She walked back to her room to pack up her things. When she was done she left the room and dragged her things to the front door. Theo was waiting there and had a blank expression on his face.

"Okay ready?" He said taking her things.

"More than ever." She said taking one last look at the house and walked out with Theo.

He looked at her and double checking while looking at the outside of the house for probably the last time and finally they were ready.



Short chapter but I wanted to say, I am making my chapters shorter and more chapters will be posted but shorter and more often. Have a great day! <333

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