25 - A N G E R

22 1 0


"Okay, we'll take as much time as you need."


Alexandra Stone.

She was sitting at the window for a very long time. Just watching everything that flew by and the waves.  She never took her eyes off of them. It was until Theo came next to her. He sat down doing the exact same thing she was doing.

"So what do your plan now?" He said filling in the silence. "You always said that you had a plan. That when you graduate from Hogwarts you are going to be a healer. You said you had a schedule."

"You would heal people, go to the store, come back home to your grandma and then you would convert with her until you both fall asleep. Did you ever include Draco in that schedule of yours?" He asked.

"Were you always going to come home to her everyday and talk until you fell asleep? Maybe she gave you an out. Maybe-" he was stopped by an owl hitting the glass in front of them and quickly flying threw the window right next to it.

"A letter." She let out a whisper. The owl dropped the letter in her lap and went to the kitchen counter to rest. She saw his label on the letter and she gasped. "It's his." She said in a shocked tone.

She quickly tore open the letter and began reading.

Dear Lex,

I am sorry to hear about your Grandma, I liked her. If I could be there right now I would, what killed your Grandma was a death eater. Not me I would— could never.

But I love you and I want to be with you as soon as I can. I love you.


She set the letter on her legs and sighed. "She gave me an out huh?" She handed him the letter. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way." He tried his best to apologize but she was resilient.

"Sure that's what you meant." She said in a sarcastic way. She got up and went to her room. Theo followed her.

"Come on you know that wasn't what I meant." He said making sure she knew; which she did she did know it wasn't his intention of saying it like that.

"I do." She said. "Sorry I said that." She turned plopping on the bed. He did the same right next to her. "Oh, I've got to write Draco back." She said exhausted.

"Do it later he'll understand. You need to rest. I can tell you've been up all night Alex." He said stroking her cheek. She soon fell asleep to him stroking her cheek. He got up to let her rest.

He went to the couch again, yes there were other rooms with beds too. He just didn't like the memories of those rooms, it had nothing to do with Alex. Just personal stuff.

Alexandra woke to the sound of rain tapping the roof she got up to look out of the window and saw the foggy rain. She left the bedroom to go outside. She was half way through the door when Theo started yelling in his sleep.

She thought this had stopped when he started dating Luna. She took off her shoes and went to where he was. Lex got on top of him to comfort him. He woke up and threw his arms around her.

He was breathing heavily. "Alex." He said out fo breath. She looked him in the eyes and got his breathing back to normal. When she did he looked to his right to see it was raining.

"It's raining." He said.

"You don't miss much." She said smiling slightly. It disappeared just like before.

"No you don't get it. The last time it was raining and we were here something bad was about to happen." He said to her. She remembered. His mother had died right after being hospitalized, they were waiting when an owl flew in with the bad news.

It was Theo's worst day. But for Alex, she wasn't scared of the rain right now. She had lost almost everything. All she had left was Theo, Luna, and Draco.

She had yet to respond to him. She got off of him and he got up too. The owl was still here, it was previously asleep. It had woke up to the sound of Theo screaming.

She got a fresh piece of parchment and began writing.

Dear Draco,

       I an with Theo. For safety matters I cannot tell you where. Theo's orders. For it this gets in the wrong hands. I just wanted to reply, thank you for your regards. I know this is short, but I love you. I wish I could see you. I miss you, hope to see you soon.
                                       Love, Alexandra

With that she sealed the letter giving it to the owl, he took it in his beak and flew through the rain. Theo got up and wandered over to her.

"Hey, want to go outside and sit in the rain?" He asked with an exciting tone. She nodded not giving a verbal reply. She followed him to the door again where they went in the rain and sat.

She had done this the day her grandma died and was instantly reminded of the memory. She fell back on the soft grass and so did he.

"I almost forgot that you were doing this the day— do you want to go back—" he was cut off by her voice.

"No I need to face this. I need to get over this, the goal is to accept it. Not go into denial and anger and depression, I need to skip right to acceptance." She said letting her eyes fog up just like last time enjoying it.

"Okay, we'll take as much time as you need." He said grabbing her hand to help her.

She nodded and let the words sink in. She brought her head to his soaking wet chest and listened to his heartbeat. She let Theo snake his hand around her waist. It took her a while to lay out here to get used to the memory of that day.

She slithered out of his grip and stood up she curled her hands into fists and her jaw clenched. She started muttering. She needed to feel something for one second. Anger. She tilted her head to the sky.

"Why?!" She started yelling. "Why does everyone I love love always disappear?!" She asked no one but herself. "I've lost every relative! I am the last one in my family that is alive! And I could end the blood line if I wanted to!" She screamed, Theo felt helpless, but no. Not helpless he wanted her to go threw the stages of grief.

It's normal, everyone needs to. She picked up a rock and threw it at the waves washing up on the shore. Her Grandmas favorite place was the beach, even though she didn't live there it was still her favorite.

She lied to herself, go right to acceptance. No anger is normal. She told herself. She continued on—"I don't even know if I should love anyone!" She said in an angry tone, not quite yelling. "Why! I should leave Draco so he doesn't die!"

"You know I would never let that happen." A voice came from behind them.


Hi! What are your thoughts on this chapter? I am going to be updating every two - three days, if I can't I will make an edit and tell you guys. I have decided to extend the book, there is going to be a prologue and epilogue when the book is done. And don't worry this book will have fifty - sixty chapters. Maybe half way there! Oh! I made a new cover too!

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