47 - M E M O R I E S

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"I think something may have triggered the dream."

Alexandra Stone.

Tormented I walk in ready. He slams the door shut. I stand there looking down. "Did you have a nice time?" He says smugly. He kicks me with his brogue foot. I land on the ground. He kicks me again, in the thigh. I handle it well. He leans down and slaps me. I don't shed a tear. "How was the rain?" He asks and kicks me in my chest. It felt like a hand grabbing my heart. Squeezing it so hard it bursts into specks. The rain think of the rain. It doesn't always work.

I hoped it did. It didn't. He spoke in brusque mutters, "Don't... disrespect... me... again." He said in between kicking me hard in the rib cage. It hurts but, not as bad as the first time. I act hurt in front of him to satisfy him. He finds satisfactory in hurting me. I am hurt. Mentally. Maybe physically, it doesn't hurt though. It did, it hurt at first then you get used to it, you know what to expect. It hurts just a bit.

"I thought... you... knew... better." Kicking again in between words. I feel sad. What did I even do? I went in the damn rain, what did I do to disrespect him? I feel a rush of exhilaration.

"I went in the rain, how is that disrespect?" I ask irritated. He stopped kicking me, looking into my eyes and smirking. In the manner he does things.

"You were with another boy weren't you?" I start to shake my head no. He slaps me. I felt this. "Liar. I saw a boy." He muttered and I stop him.

"No, he saw me there in the rain and asked me if I was okay." I say shakily. He looked confused. "I was lying on the ground. Letting the rain penetrate my eyes." I try to confuse him even more. By the expression on his face I could tell it was working. I slowly get up. I go up to him and kiss him on the lips. He kisses back. I love kissing him.

I shoot up out of bed backing into the headboard. A dream. No. Not a dream. It was a nightmare. This wasn't a good sign. The keen feeling of the harsh memory. Blaise. He was effecting my dreams now. He is dead. I am not sad about it— anything but sad. I just want to know why? The dubious feeling of the dream.

Another question: What triggered it? I thought. It couldn't of been Draco. I get brought back to reality, from my tentative mind. I look over to Draco and see that he is still sound asleep. I move the covers off of me walking out of our room to go find Theodore. He is who I needed right now.

Walking I found I lacked ubiquity. I wasn't present— rather caught up in my mind. It was probably the afternoon now. It wouldn't be that hard to find him. He was probably in the Great Hall. I walked through the hallway not many kids were here right now. A lot didn't come back after winter break because of the war.

Feelings their parents had or something like that. But they didn't return. I just needed to talk to Theodore. I saw him alone working on a paper. I approach him and he sees me. "Theodore I need to talk to you." I said as he didn't look up from his work.

"What is it?" He asked looking up at me. "Well you see I got this dream— actually it did happen but a long time ago. Like a year ago. But it was about Blaise. If you know you know." I whispered almost inaudible. "Draco's still sleeping and I wouldn't want to bother him with this anyway, I even hate to bother you with it." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"No— it's no problem I have nothing to do anyway. Luna might come back to me. Her and Longbottom might not work out." He said excitedly. "And as for your problem. I think something may have triggered the dream. Anything in mind?" He asked as I thought on it.

"Well I hate to say it but— Draco was having a stage of rage and it got over the top, almost like he was gone and someone took over his body. Like Blaise was in control. I mean I get he's traumatized from going to the manor as he probably told you." I said and he nodded.

"Well that definitely is what triggered it." Theo said calmly. "Can this please stay between us because I don't want him to feel guilty and get even more mad than he already is. It's just that side of him I've never seen before." I said still in a state of shock. "I just the dream didn't settle well with me." I said in a nervous soft voice.

"Of course it will. I just hope things get better for you two. It's time you guys get a break." He said standing up with his things, I followed him. He turned to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "They will." He said hugging me. "Thanks Theodore." I say into the hug.

"Any time." He responded. We broke the hug and walked in different directions. I walked back to Draco, and I don't know where he went. I shrugged it off and opened the door. Thankfully Draco was still sleeping. It was night when I woke up, it wasn't that long ago. Which probably means we'll be staying up all night.

I didn't feel like shagging. I had energy just I think he was taking out some aggression. Which was probably well needed. So I didn't mention anything. Instead I went back in bed next to him and laid my head on his chest. He mumbled something and I smiled. He woke up slightly and squinted.

I straddled him and ran my fingers through his hair. I loved doing that. He smiled and grabbed my hips. "I love you." He muttered in the nook of my neck. "I love you." I said back and collapsed onto him. He exhaled and kept his hands on my hips. "I just wish we could get away from it all." I said against his lips.

"Same here."


Hi! Thoughts?? The story slowly coming to an end. 4 more chapters!


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