3 - R A Z O R B L A D E S

168 3 0

WARNING: Physical Abuse.


Tormented I walk in ready. He slams the door shut. I stand there looking down. "Did you have a nice time?" He says smugly. He kicks me with his brogue foot. I land on the ground. He kicks me again, in the thigh. I handle it well. He leans down and slaps me. I don't shed a tear. "How was the rain?" He asks and kicks me in my chest. It felt like a hand grabbing my heart. Squeezing it so hard it bursts into specks. The rain think of the rain. It doesn't always work.

I hoped it did. It didn't. He spoke in brusque mutters, "Don't... disrespect... me... again." He said in between kicking me hard in the rib cage. It hurts but, not as bad as the first time. I act hurt in front of him to satisfy him. He finds satisfactory in hurting me. I am hurt. Mentally. Maybe physically, it doesn't hurt though. It did. It hurt at first then you get used to it. You know what to expect. It hurts just a bit.

"I thought... you... knew... better." Kicking again in between words. I feel sad. What did I even do? I went in the damn rain, what did I do to disrespect him? I feel a rush of exhilaration.

"I went in the rain. How is that disrespect?" I ask irritated. He stopped kicking me, looking into my eyes and smirking. In the manner he does things.

"You were with another boy weren't you?" I start to shake my head no. He slaps me. I felt this. "Liar. I saw a boy." I stop him.

"No. He saw me there in the rain and asked me if I was ok." I say shakily. He looked confused. "I was lying on the ground. Letting the rain penetrate my eyes." I try to confuse him even more. By the expression on his face I could tell it was working. I slowly get up. I go up to him and kiss him on the lips. He kisses back. I love kissing him.

He finally calmed down.


I walk into class later than usual. Not late. I could never be late. I just feel lazy. But when it comes to walking into potions all of that laziness disappears. I walk around the class for a minute. My normal seat across the room. I look around, a couple of students are here. Draco of course is here. He was 'flunking' so he started coming early. He probably expected me to come early.

I go across the room, to my seat. Not sitting down just yet.



I watch Stone ready for her to sit down into my trap. As she goes over, she lifts her bag up over her shoulder. She bends her leg setting her bag on her leg, taking out her books. Finally. I am ready for her to scream. I am ready for her to feel pain. Probably inexperienced. She sits down not flinching, not moving a muscle. Her face expression stays exactly the same. No reaction at all.

But- she had to feel something. I glued razor blades to her chair early this morning. I checked and watched them. Blood started dripping from her chair. She didn't notice anything. She was just reading her book like she always does. I am furious. She didn't even feel it? Nothing? But it was perfectly engineered so that- I am refusing to stop. I will keep going. Soon the class fills up. People started looking at her. The puddle of blood sitting by her was becoming obvious. Soon, whispers were crossing the class. People pointing at her.

She didn't even know until, Pansy went over to her. I eavesdropped.

"Are you ok?" Pansy asked worried for her. I saw her point to the puddle. "You're not on you're period are you?" She asks again. Stone's expression dropped when she saw it.

"I- I didn't notice. I have to-" She stands up, picking her books up, packing them in her bag. I look at her legs it sliced her whole thigh open. A long line of blood. Sliced. She didn't look in pain, or threatened by what I did. She looks at her chair. She crouches down, looking at the razors. As she's crouched blood falls from her thighs. Her finger comes up to the razors, rubbing her fingers against the blades. She didn't even notice her fingers cutting open from the razors. She examines the razors for a minute. Her head pops up. She carefully peels the glue from the chair still connected to the razors. She lays her bag down and puts the blades in the palm of her hand.

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