40 - C H R I S T M A S

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"One to bargain for if I must say so myself."

Draco Malfoy.

I don't want to pity her. But pity seems like the best way. She doesn't like pity. She absolutely hates it with a passion. She doesn't want people to feel bad for her. I am the exact opposite. I want people to feel bad for me. It gains strength. At least that is— what I think.

Theodore disagrees.

He thinks everyone has their methods and that you should leave them with how they cope. Unless it's a bad way to cope. I kind of agree with him. He wants to be a healer. I don't blame him. A lot of people get interested in things like that. Theodore has good bedside manner shall I put it.

He is not like me. I tell people the truth. I am competitive. That is why I would never make a good healer or doctor. Theodore and Alexandra are kind of the same when you think about it. Both want to do good for people. I think different. One man for themselves. Of course I can't tell her that. I am already breaking that by doing anything for her.

I do not regret it though. Anyone— and I say anyone would throw themselves at her if I wasn't going to marry her and even before when I wasn't going to marry her they are all afraid of me. I think it is funny. Such dumb asses. They think they actually have a chance. Well— I don't even know how I had a chance.

"Why do you like me?" I said to her being paranoid. "Well— why do you like me is the more important question." She said, which was an easy question. "What is there to not like about you. You're intelligent, beautiful, sexy, you practically have every guy drooling over you." I said annoyed at that. But in a way— makes me love her even more. I am competitive.

She chose me out of everyone. I must be special. "You didn't answer my question though." I said quietly. "You have ability to make every moment peaceful and beautiful faster than the speed of sound. You're sexy, you have a great personality. One to bargain for if I must say so myself." She said in a soft gentle voice.

When she spoke softly like that— it made me feel. Home. You know? Sort of safe. I love her for it. She makes me feel at peace as I make her feel and I always feel safe around her. I love her for it. And she loves me for it. I think anyway. No. I know. Judging by what she says she loves me.

Never— if you asked me— at the beginning of sixth year did I expect to land her. To have all of my worries flood past me. Feel calm in someones arms. Daphne wasn't like that. She just wanted sex. Are relationship was just— sex. Almost like that term muggles use. Friends with Benefits. That's the right term.

Alexandra as pure as she is wants me for nothing more than me. Now I should take a warm shower with her we were in the cold. Of course that doesn't affect her. I want to know her secret. I know the answer already. Genetics. And maybe something else. Like she showers everyday but they're super hot showers. Okay.

"Join me in the shower." I said dragging her into the bathroom. "And I won't until you're ready." I whispered causing her to smile. She nodded tapping her feet into the bathroom and slipped off her clothes. I couldn't help but to look at her she is all mine anyway. I have been a little clingy sense then. I have noticed that. And I think she has.

She gets in the shower with me and rinses her hair. I didn't want to pressure her into anything so I just let her do it herself.


After our shower she got dressed in a comfortable outfit. "Christmas is tomorrow and I got you something." She said nervously. "But for tomorrow." She said whispered.

"Okay but you don't need to get me anything— you're enough." I pause. "But I got you something too." I said quietly. I got her something I think she'll like.

"But you got me this ring and it's expensive and you don't need to get me anything else." She said gratefully.


It is Christmas. I can't wait to give her my gift. In honer of everyone rubbing against her. She woke up already having my gift in her hands. She handed it to me gently. "Here." She said. "Open it."

I took the gift and opened the box to see a silver ring with a carving on the inside of it 'Alexandra' "Your wedding ring." She spoke softly once again.

I slipped it in. I love it. So much. "I love it so much." I said truthfully. I wanted her to open mine now. I went to my drawer pulling out my present to her. I planned it for a while now. "Okay this is going to be the best gift ever." I said to her giving her a smaller looking box.

She took it and opened it. Inside was a bracelet with a silver heart on it with a necklace that has a key on it. I took the bracelet and snapped it on her wrist gently making sure not to hurt her. She smiled. And if I'm a betting woman you have the key? She said assuming correctly. 

He took it from her fingers and placed it around his neck. She turned him around to clasp it. When she did they both felt complete. He turned back around. "Happy Christmas Draco." She said and kissed his lips. Against his lips she spoke, "Please tell me you are not getting a bulge from this. She looked down and not to her surprise— he was growing. 

"What can you expect?" He said in her hair while drawing her into his chest— wrapping his arms around her waist. "You always find a way to turn me on." Draco said lifting her chin up. "Happy Christmas Mrs. Malfoy to be." She smiled and his fingers traced it gently. 

"I will never grow tired of that smile." 


Hi! Thoughts?? <333

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