50 - M I S S I N G

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"Where the fuck is she, Granger?!"

Draco Malfoy. 

My mother took me away from all of that. I couldn't handle it. But as we were on the broken bridge I hadn't forgot about the girl lurking in my mind. My fiancee. "Mother." I stopped, and she looked at me with concern. "I have to—" 

"Go. I know. You're going to marry her. I know. I love you, son." She spoke and kissed my cheek. I quickly ran to the end of the bridge and down the hill to where I left her. I went in the cave and she wasn't there. My heart skipped a beat. She had to be joking with me. "Alexandra! Come on this isn't funny!" I shouted and no response. 

I had to do something else. And if she didn't respond she wasn't here. "If you don't come out right now we're no longer together!" I shouted again. Nothing. Fuck. She left. Dammit. I was on the verge of tears as I was looking everywhere. Of course I waited for Harry to fucking destroy Voldemort before going up there. 

I looked everywhere. In the castle. Outside. Nothing. There was one place left. Where the dead bodies were. I looked over everyone. Maybe she went somewhere else. Like— wait if she is at our house I am going to destroy her. I quickly apperated there and shoved open the door. I checked every room and still, nothing. Fuck! Where the fuck is she?! 

I went back to the castle to ask the one person that would know. I looked everywhere and spotted her with Potter, and Weasley. I ran over to her and dragged her away. "Where is she?" I growled in a low tone. She shrugged. "Where the fuck is she, Granger?!" I said clenching my fists and jaw. 

She looked scared, I didn't care. "Fine! She's in Ohio! America, uhm, The Cleveland Clinic. It's suppose to be the best." She said nervously. I went cold. Ice, cold. I froze. "Why would she need to be at a clinic?" I asked my eyes watering up. 

"It's a hospital, called a clinic, but still, I saw her in the chamber and I thought she looked lonely. So I suggested she come along with us. And after the little show in the room of Requirement she knew you'd be there so she waited and came with us after you and Crabbe disappeared. We all were taking turns leading the way when she was leading someone stabbed her. In the chest." She letting a tear fall down her cheek. 

My eyes couldn't take it anymore and gave in. My eyes dropped tear after tear. "Please take me to her." I mumbled as she apperated us there. She let go of my instantly and spoke once more, "I have to go now just go in and ask for Alexandra Stone, answer all of the questions, and don't kill anybody." She pointed at me. I nodded entering. 

The lady at the front desk was there looking bored. Fucking lazy ass. "What can I do for you?" She asked slowly. "I am here visiting Alexandra Stone." I spoke with tears still dropping almost unable to say her name. 

"And how do you know her?" She asked filling out a pass. "She's my fiancee. Her date of birth, June, 28th. Now can I please see her." I said not wanting to waste time. "Of course." She said as I didn't need to put her under a compulsion of any type. She handed me a card that had her floor and room number. I takes the stairs to the floor, and enter a narrow hallway. 

I looked at the room numbers and saw hers. I swallowed back a lump in my throat and kept walking. Before entering her room, I inhaled the toxic hospital smell. And walked in. The minute my eyes came in contact with her, I gasped. She looked, drained, her cheek bones were showing, she looked ill. I run over to her planting kisses on her lips, her neck, her cheek bones, I kiss the top of her nose sprinkling them all over her. 

I take her head in my hands, looking at her pale face. I sit there holding her hand— trying my best not to cry in front of her. I didn't want to. Eventually after I was half way asleep, I felt a squeeze. 

A squeeze. 

I opened my eyes wide. What— she's awake. I see her eyes peel open to reveal tired eyes. I knelt to her side and kissed her knuckles just how I had done previously. "I love you. Don't ever do that to me again. I love you too much so please. Don't. I can't lose you. I could never recover." I said as she smiled. 

"I love you more." She whispered under her breath struggling to talk. "No, don't talk— I know. But I love you more." I said to her kissing her cheek. She didn't let the smile leave her beautiful face. And I stayed there when she was asleep. I even told the doctors to go away when they said it was past visiting hours. She needed me and I need her. 

I stayed there for everything. I read to her, I slept cradling her while she was also asleep. I couldn't leave her side. It wasn't safe. She needs to be reassured. The doctors understood and let me stay. Which I didn't take for granted. 

One day I was reading to her when she suggested something. "You should go get lunch." She said her voice getting stronger. "I'm not leaving you." I said gripping her hand tightly. 

"Draco really you need energy and food provides that for you. So please eat. Draco I'll be fine. I promise. I'm getting discharged today, and we can go back home." She said as I considered it. "Fine. The food sucks but okay." I said on my way out. She smiled at me. 

I sat in the cafeteria eating lunch, and was thinking. Why don't we get married today? It's the perfect day to. And I'm just really excited to go home today. I was chewing on it when I heard a code get called. "Code Blue floor four." It said repeating. I lost my breath and shot up leaving running to her room. 

The stupid elevator was filled with people so I took the stairs, I was running faster than I ever have before. Code Blue, funny thing right, she told me what it meant. Someone was coding. Dying. I went in the door way and lost my breath. The wrenching feeling in my stomach— the tears streaming down my cheeks. 

It was enough for me to see the doctors remove a tube from her throat. I looked at the monitor and feel to my knees. "Time of death 12:27." One of the doctors called turning off the monitor. I went in the room going over to her. 





Mouth to mouth. 




Mouth to mouth.

The doctors pulled me back and I screamed unable to handle this pain. But the doctors were doing something. They kept doing CPR. But she was dead? The doctor was taking a scalpel, sanitizing it and brought it to her stomach. He made a thick slice across her waist. "Sir, you are a father. She was carrying your baby." She said showing me a really small baby. One that couldn't live on it's own. 

"Don't worry your baby is going to need some time in an incubator but after a while he'll be okay to take home." The doctor said cutting the cord and they stopped CPR. She was pregnant and didn't tell me? No. I need her. I can't take care of this baby alone. I won't be successful. I am going to turn out like my father. 

I needed her for that too. And, no. I didn't even get to marry her. I let more tears fall down my face. All I needed in this moment was her. Alexandra Malfoy. 


Hi. As it turns out, I was wrong things didn't turn out good... 1 more chapter left...


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