21 - S U M M E R B R E A K

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They woke up the next morning and decided to get in the shower. He beat her to the shower and controlled the temperature. Cold. He turned to the coldest setting, and she hated it. I guess it was hit payback. "Hahaha get in the shower now see how it feels." He snickered. She got in and shuttered. She can stand the cold but not this.

"Please, turn warmer." She begged him. He wouldn't give in not yet so he ignored her putting her head under the ice cold water. He had no problem with the water temperature. He wanted her to have to beg. "Please. Draco I need it to be warmer please." She said to him while he was scrubbing her head with shampoo.

"Fine." He finally gives in and turns it warm. "But in return." He looks all over her body and smirks. "Well, shit. I'll do it anyway." He says and picks her legs up, he puts her against the wall kissing her roughly. He stops abruptly. "You know summer break is next week." He says and puts her down. "And after that is eighth year. I have to warn you of something." He says pacing.

"Okay, what is it? Draco you can tell me something, it can't be worse than what I already know." She says to him and he frowns.

Hesitating he begins. "Well, I don't want you to return next year. I need you to hide somewhere far from here." He says to her. "There is going to be a war. I am not having you participate in the war I love you too much and I don't want you to get hurt." He comforts her.

As she is stubborn she says, "No. I will be here for the war I am not being a coward and backing down. I need to help. Fuck. A war." She says hyperventilating. She breaths shaky breaths. "Okay." Her eyes turn glassy. "I will be there for the war."

"No, Lex this isn't just some cool war that no one will die in. Death eaters against good people. Hell I don't even know who I am." He says pressing his head against the wall. "People will die. They don't care who it is. They will kill anything or anyone that gets in the way." He didn't want her to go. He knew with his luck she would end up injured or in a bad state. He didn't need that.

"I can't lose you. I've never felt this way for anyone before. So please don't." He looked in her eyes. She would do the exact opposite of what he wished for her to do.

"Draco no." She said. "Lets just enjoy the last of Hogwarts until everything changes. We can talk about this on the train." She said and kisses him. "The mood is ruined now isn't it?" She asked him.

"Kind of. But I can finger you in class." He said and the mood between them returned. And he picked her up again. This time moving around the shower with her. He rummaged threw the soaps and picked one that smelled like roses, and fruit. Her smell. He loved that smell. He put it in the sponge and soap went everywhere. They both laughed in the treasuring moment.

He rubbed soap all over her And himself. He reached his hand to her thighs and down to her pussy finding her clit and rubbing it with his thumb in a figure right motion. She moaned softly into his ear and he started kissing her neck leaving hickeys along his path. He loved doing that, he loved owning her. 

He reached his middle finger in her tight cunt and pumped in and out of her. He quickly removed his finger replacing it with his cock. He lined himself right with the entrance of her pussy he kissed her distracting her and after a minute of kissing he dropped her on the ground. Without notice he pushed all of him in her. She made muffled moans trying to hide them.

Draco slapped her hand away from her mouth. "No. I want the entire common room to hear you." He growled, taking her hands and putting them above her head. He quickened his pace hitting her g-spot and the air got knocked out of her lungs.

He pulled all the way out and pushed all of him in her. She felt as if he was in her stomach. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and he smiled watching her. He would miss seeing her break under him. He would miss everything. So would she.

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