6 - A S T R O N O M Y

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In the last week Draco kept an annoyingly close watch on me. He would watch my every move. Though he was still the same. He would still pick on me, tell me things I didn't care about, trying to hurt my feelings. I blocked that out. All I could hear was buzzing when he tried to tell me things like that. But Blaise still hurt me every night. It didn't come as a surprise or a shock. I knew when he got the opportunity to do something like that, he would. 

Class got dismissed early. I rushed out of the class faster than the others to avoid people trying to talk to me. One person in particular. Draco. I didn't want to talk to him today. He wouldn't ever stop talking to me, asking questions, or implying mean comments which I was used to. 

I ran the hallway. I ran. Faster than ever. I went to the common room to rush to my dorm. I burst into my room and paced. Why? Why does anything happen? What did I do? Did I say something to Blaise or Draco to make them so curious and want to hurt me? I did to Draco. I know I did. 


"Come on, like I keep saying. I'm not asking I am telling." He says lifting up my chin. I meet his eyes, they look drained. I wonder why?

"No!" I shouted at him. "I haven't been able to smile ever sense third year!" I yell at his face. I can see based on his eyes he is mad.


I remember in potions class. But, Blaise What did I do to him? I didn't. he just likes the exhilaration of hurting me. I don't know how anyone could find joy in hurting ones they 'love' I don't think he loves me. He says/thinks this is normal in a relationship. I don't think it is. No. I know it isn't. 

I sit on my bed thinking of how he used to treat me. Better. He would treat me like I was floating on a cloud. But he did that to gain my trust. People did that. It's not like I didn't have choices either. I did. I could've chose lets say, Cedric Diggory while he was alive, Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey, and believe it or not, Draco Malfoy. I think of all of them I could've chose. Tearing up. Crying a river. 

After I am done all the tears suddenly stopped it was time for class this was break. I gather my books up for Astronomy. I walk out of the common room into the hallway making my way to the classroom. I see Draco. "Your not in this class. You would have magical creatures." I say to him curious why he is here. He smirks. 

"I switched." He smirks walking to his desk. I walk to mine. This class is Slytherin's, and Hufflepuff's. The Hufflepuff's didn't want to be here. I didn't blame them. I sit in the desk near the front of the class. As the lesson goes on I pay full attention interested in Astronomy. I listen to each word. 

But, in the middle of him explaining something. A note gets tossed to my desk, from a Hufflepuff. I wait for the teacher to look away. I open the letter. It says, 


       Meet me at the Astronomy tower at 11:45 PM. Tonight. Be there, as I once said. It isn't a question it is a demand. 


Draco Malfoy. Why would he want to meet me? I- What about Blaise he will probably hurt me if I am not at my dorm. I can't. I write on the back. 


         I can't come to the Astronomy tower tonight. Blaise won't let me. I can't. Sorry. 


I put it back in the envelope, and give it back to the Hufflepuff. He sends it back to Draco. He reads it. He got quill and wrote another letter that soon appeared on my desk. I took it out of the envelope. 

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