46 - N E R V O U S

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"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. "

Third Person. (6 weeks later.)

She was nervous. Real nervous. Draco. He was being called to the manor. Out of the blue. He had to go. Urgent. He didn't say goodbye before he Apperated. Alexandra was sitting on the edge of their bed— her leg shaking up and down rapidly. No one could stop the nerves in her body but him coming home safe.

Why would they need him now? They weren't going to kill him right? Merlin. Help. I need Draco. Draco. Draco. He is gone. I have a feeling. She kept telling herself. Her breathing went crazy as she was having a panic attack. The look on Draco's face was just— he knew something bad was going to happen. She knew it too. She was freaking out.

She got up pacing. Walking from the bed to the door. She didn't want to. But it crossed her mind more than once. A million times. Go to the manor. She kept repeating. Don't go Draco could be fine, and he can't live without you. Her mind was battling. She went into the bathroom and splashed water on her face.

Cold water. Freezing. All she wanted was Draco. Just Draco.


Alexandra Stone.

Then a gush of wind was blowing in my face as I stood up. There was Draco standing looking traumatized. I went over to him cupping his face. "What's wrong?" I asked carefully.

"My wand—" he paused looking around confused. "My wand. It's gone." He said walking to the bed when he laid down an different wand. A wand that wasn't his.

For a minute just a minute I thought— but no he couldn't cheat, "Where were you?" I asked worried. He walked back over to me.

"I went to the manor because I got called and I didn't have time to tell you, uhm Potter, Weasley, and Granger got caught and were brought to the manor I had to identify them. And I- I we fought against them and they took my wand. So my mother gave me hers." He said in shook of the situation.

"And my house elf. I watched my aunt throw a knife at my house elf, Dobby. I am pretty sure he's dead. I tried to help them. I lied to my father and Aunt, I guess along with my mother. I was nervous." He admitted as I hugged him.

"It's okay. Your with me I'll keep you safe." Even if I knew I could never keep him safe I said it to comfort him. "Lie down. Sleep." I said getting him to calm down a little bit. 

He closed his eyes drifting off into a deep sleep. I stayed silent but couldn't sleep, my breathing did go back to normal— equal and reactive. I let him sleep on my chest while I reached for a book on my nightstand.

It wasn't my poem book, but one I found curious. A book about spells. I figured I would need them— especially with the war coming up. I really didn't want to go in the Chamber of secrets— not that I was scared.

I'm not. It's just I feel like I would be complete fighting in the war or defending the castle. I don't want to defy Draco but I— I don't know what to do. You know as he said I don't have a choice.

He made it for me already I have to go in the Chamber. He told me. But again. How would I get in the Chamber? Draco can't speak to snakes. I soon drifted off as well.

I woke up to the shower. I always to wake up to him taking a shower. I didn't feel to join him. I feel like he wanted some time to process it. Knowing him he probably had the water full on cold.

I don't blame him, I would do the same to get pressure off of my shoulders. We are alike that way. And losing his wand probably didn't help either. I feel bad for him.

Terribly bad. I want to be able to help. I feel helpless. It was like what I did to him and Theodore. I know what he felt now. Being unable to help or do anything.

I heard the shower turn off and moved to the end of the bed for when he came out of the bathroom. Sooner than later the door opened revealing Draco with a towel around his waist. He looked good.

I got up and walked over to him. He made eye contact with me and smiled. I did too. Only I could tell his smile was a half smile. I sighed and hugged him. "I am here for you and anything you need." I said in his ear continuing. "Anything you need." I said reassuring him. And smiled again.

"Okay." He said rubbing over to me. He picked me up slamming me onto the bed. "Listen I'm going to go easy on you because of what happened a previous time. I don't want anything to happen again." He said dropping his towel to reveal his erection. I slipped clothes off in a second.

He ran his hands down my body. "Fucking amazing." He said teasing my entrance. Then slowly slithering his dick inside of me. I gasped trying to get used to the size after many times. He wasn't in top of me he was standing up in between my thighs speeding up his pace.

He went from going slow to slamming inside of me. So much for going easy on me. His pulsating dick was about a centimetre from touching my cervix. I gripped his arm to tell him and he wasn't paying attention. I was moving in slow motion when he repeatedly hit my cervix and I backed away from him as he was sliding out.

I gasped again as my head was throbbing. I whined as the memory was coming back from the last time this happened. He quickly came back into reality when he looked at me. He rushed over to me. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He said kissing me multiple times to show his apology.

I grabbed his head. "It's fine. Uhm. I just would like to go to sleep." I say getting up struggling once again. I walked to my dresser getting underwear and a shirt. Along with shorts. Draco looked confused as I never wore shorts to bed. He scratched the back of his neck.

Breathing in I laid on the bed not facing his side as he also laid down not to disturb me. He was going to touch me as his finger came in contact with my back I winced. Dammit. I didn't mean to. He's probably going to deem hurt now.

I just didn't do anything and fell asleep. Ridding my problems. Though I just slept. I felt going back into the world of imagination was best right now.


Hi! Thoughts?? 5 more chapter! <3

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