49 - T H E B A T T L E

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"Sitting pretty, waiting for me. Okay?"

Third Person. (3 weeks later)

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

The word could never be worn out between the two. It was a rough 3 weeks constantly trying to spend it wisely wasn't helping the two either. There was one day before the war. At nightfall tonight on May 1st is when their lives would turn horrid.

"Okay. Let's discuss this again. No matter who goes down in the chamber don't leave unless it's a death eater fight and run. Or I really don't care what ever you have to do to save your life. Just— you get it okay." He said gripping her hand as they stood in the bathroom Moaning Myrtle lurked in.

"Such a pretty girl." A voice screeched. Myrtle. "And such a pretty boy." She told them, "let me guess the war is starting at nightfall and you are putting your precious girlfriend down in the chamber to 'protect' her? Am I about right? Oh I am." She said screaming back to her toilet.

"Weird ghost." Draco whispered beneath his breath. As the chamber opened with the flick of his wand. Then the ghost came back to them. "Oh Draco if you die—"

"Down there in welcome to share your toilet- I know. But as you don't know the basilisk is dead." He said taking her hand and jumping. Alexandra chuckled with him as they tumbled in a pile of bones. They both shrugged them off with a disgusted look. They quickly walked through the piles of bones and into the skins of the dead basilisk. 

"I'm not going into the chamber am I?" She asked not prepared to see what was in there. Draco snickered. "Of course not you will be waiting by the entrance and when I come back down to get you, you will come back up with me." He said stalling. 

"You're not leaving right now though right?" She asked quietly nervous once again, as he laughed. "No. I am going to stay with you until we see the light. You know actually lets go to that side." He said taking her arm leading her to the opening where at the end of the war she would exit at with Draco. 

To be honest both of them were nervous. Draco was scared she would either climb through here and fight in the battle, or someone would come down here and kill her. Alexandra was scared that either Draco would die in the battle, or she would die and leave him. He would never recover from that.


They stood there talking and crying as they knew what was to come. As soon as Draco came in contact with the dome fluttering to the ground protecting them all, a tear dropped from his eye as he gripped her hand wishing they could have one more second together. Then he got up. "Love, I have to go now. Please on the love of Merlin stay here. Please. Don't leave. When I come back you'll be here."

"Sitting pretty, waiting for me. Okay?" He asked kissing her knuckles. She nodded knowing he needed a verbal answer. "I will be." She spoke shakily. "Okay, then after we'll get married." He spoke, kissing her one last time before walking off. 

"Wait Draco." She said, as he turned around. "How will we know the outcome of the war?" She asked unsure. "I have a feeling." He winked walking off. And he was gone. Out of sight. But what she didn't know was Draco was not sure it would turn out good, the opposite actually. He thought the dark side would win and conquer. 

Deep down she had that feeling as well but was masking it with an again unsure smile. She sat there patiently. 

After a while she heard people walking, she stayed silent and crouched down. They were headed into the chamber. She opened her eyes wide but didn't move. About fifteen minutes later the silhouettes were headed her way to the exit of the underground chamber. Then they saw her. She made out the figures, Ron and Hermione.  

She stood up. "What are you guys doing down here?" Alexandra said smiling. "Oh, we were destroying a horcrux. What are you doing down here all alone?" Hermione asked sweetly while Ron was smiling at the ground. 

"I was told to wait here by Draco." She said making conversation. "Oh, okay. Well Ron and I have to get going now, but you're welcome to come along if you want." Hermione offered. Alexandra hesitated. She contemplated. Then finally— "I'll come along." She didn't want to disappoint them. "We're going to win right?" She asked on the way. 

"We have a strong side." Hermione said as something caught all of our attention. The dome that was once protecting them all from harm that probably wouldn't of held for a long time was no longer there. Instead right before our eyes crumbling in front of them. "Run." Was all Hermione said as everything went silent and they ran back into the castle to take some what of a shelter. 

Ron pulled out a map and saw Harry and he disappeared just like that. "I know exactly where he is." Ron said walking, "The room of Requirement." Hermione bewildered, spoke softly, "Yeah, brilliant." 

But before they went Alexandra saw one name in particular on the map. Draco Malfoy. The one who thought she was still in the chamber. "Mione." She said chasing after them. "I can't go, well can I wait in secret outside of the room of Requirement. I know exactly what's going to happen, Draco is going to go in there and try to get is wand back from Harry. I can't let him know I'm out of the chamber." She said rushed. 

"Yeah, that's fine. Just don't let anyone see you, okay?" She said as she saw Harry and rushed in after him as she hid behind a pillar. "Sure thing." Alexandra spoke quietly. Then she heard familiar footsteps. Draco's footsteps. Her face dropped as she held her breath in. Only letting little exhales. 

She spotted Draco with Crabbe, and Goyle. They stood there a second then walked in. She released her breath and sat silently. 


Twenty minutes later the doors opened again and a raging fire was burning the room to nothing. Draco was on Harry's broom as he was being rescued. And Crabbe was on Ron's. Goyle must be dead. She thought. Draco and Crabbe hit the ground and ran. For her it was hard seeing his startled expression and not want to do something about it. She came from the pillar to face the trio. 

"Hi Harry." She said half smiling. "Hey." He said waving. "As much as I would love to talk we have to go, all of us." Harry said as we all began running after him. Then we all started taking turns directing through the castle. I was directing when I saw the battle outside. People were using magic, knives, and sticks. Whatever they could. 

She was running when everything went cold, distant. She looked down and realized she had been stabbed. A silver dagger plunged into her skin. She was pretty sure it hit her heart. Hermione was screaming, crying. 

But for Alexandra everything went blank. She couldn't hear anything. She could only make out shadows around her. The knife in her heart was stopping her blood from flowing and, causing her blood to clot up, which would probably turn into a heart attack. Her mind was clouded with thoughts as she felt a wrenching feeling even worse than the knife deep in her body. 

She was apperated somewhere. By Hermione. "I hate to do this to you but I have to leave you at this hospital alone. It's the best one in America. The best one in the world. Okay? Play the part." Hermione spoke but she didn't know Alexandra couldn't hear her. 

All she could hear was the ringing in her ears. And once again another sense was gone. Everything went black again and permanently black. Draco. No. She couldn't do this to Draco. She had to fight. She did everything in her body to fight. But everything went blank. 

Darkness surrounded her senses. 


Hi! There are 2 more chapters. I'm sorry things will get better for them? <3

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