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Being 2 years old, Kaori could do nothing but listen to the distant shouts of her Father. This wasn't new in the Shimura household. Her 7-year-old brother, Tenko Shimura, was a fan of Heroes, something her Father was not a fan of. Because of that, the hero dilemma, he turned cold toward his son. 

Her grandparents or Mother would distract her while one or the other tried to stop her Father from doing anything stupid. Only would he cease after a talk with her Mother, but no peace was ever permanent. 

The shouts began to die, her door creaking open slowly to reveal her Mother, forcing a smile for her daughter.

" Would you get Koko from outside? I'm a bit busy with Chichi, Haha hasn't had a chance to get him. Would that be ok?" Her mother asked, picking her up from the bed she sat on. Kaori gave her mother a soft smile, wriggling her way out of her grasp and climbing down her body.

" Back?" She asked. Her mother nodded, giving her a sweet smile as she watched Kaori run past her, disappearing down the hall. Her Mother's smile fell slowly, a small tear running down her cheek. I don't want you growing up like this, she thought.

Kaori, now on the first level of her family's home, ran past her Father's stoic figure, his eyes watching her coldly.

" No running, Kaori." He said in a stern, calm voice. She looked up at him, smiling as she nodded. He still held the same cold, distant features.

" Sorry, Chichi." She apologized as she pushed open the door to their backyard. Her Father watched as she left before hiding his face in his hands, a dark look overturning his features as he stalked back towards his office.

As Kaori searched the backyard for Tenko, she heard the sweet voice of her sister.

" Hey, Kai-chan~!" 

She turned her head, seeing her older sister, Hana, wave to her as she walked in her direction. Behind her sister was her older brother, Tenko. She loved both of her siblings as much as they loved her. She put a small smile on her face, running towards them with open arms. Hana mimicked her little sister as Tenko smiled warmly, ceasing his scratching.

 Kaori leaped into her Sister's small yet mighty arms, giggling as Hana pecked her cheek softly. Hana threw her up in the air before catching the giggling 2-year-old. Hana was 10 years old, her brother 7. Despite Hana being so small, she was rather strong and very careful with how she handled her brother, as a baby, and her, who was still a toddler.

" Nana! Koko!" She said, smiling ear to ear as she reached out to her brother.

" Hey, Ori-chan." Her brother said, ruffling her charcoal hair a bit.

" Mama wants Koko! Dinner-time!" She exclaimed excitedly with the limited vocabulary she had.

" Hey, you guys wanna see something?" Hana asked, chuckling softly as a mischievous tone laced her words.

" Ok." The two younger siblings agreed innocently.

" Are you sure? Are you positive you wanna to see this?" Hana asked, smirking and acting mysterious. Both siblings nodded, now even more intrigued. Hana pulled out a small, folded picture. She unfolded it, showing it to her younger siblings.

" I know how much you want to be a hero and look what I found. That little boy is Tou-san and that woman is a hero! She's Tou-san's mom! Our other Obaa-chan! Now you really have a chance at being a hero!" Hana exclaimed softly, handing the picture towards Tenko. Tenko took the picture carefully, stars shining in his eyes.

" Where did you find it?" Tenko asked, showing it to Kaori. She starred in awe at the picture. She'd never seen her Dad smile so big. The woman was beautiful and had a small dot below her lip, just like her brother. Hana and her had birthmarks under their left eyes, their mother calling them beauty marks.

" Tou-san's office." Hana said, swaying back and forth.

" Nana, Chichi's office. Won't he be mad?" Kaori worried, her hand unknowingly scratching her wrist with her chewed finger nails.

" I can sneak it back, no big deal!" Hana cheered, waving a hand as if it was nothing. If only she'd been ready for further events, maybe then she'd realize how one lie could hurt their family. Hana took the picture back, folding it like before and hiding it away in her pocket.

 The three walked back inside, Kaori holding her older brother's hand. They sat in their designated seats, starting their dinner in silence. Kaori chewed her food happily, legs swinging back and forth before an eerie feeling fell on her shoulders. With another bite of food, she kept her legs still, chewing slowly. 

To break the silence, their Mother spoke up, turning towards Tenko with a smile.

" So, Tenko, are you doing anything in school?" Nao, their mother, asked.

" Yeah, we're...uhm...doing a role-model project..." Tenko stuttered nervously, glancing at his father before giving Nao a small smile. If school's ever did anything related to role-models, most children would use Heroes.

" Who are you gonna do?" Hana asked, looking over at her brother.

" I'm not sure...maybe Okaa-san or Tou-san.." Tenko lied, keeping his eyes glued to his dinner plate.

" Why not Hero? Tenko like them." Kaori said, looking up from her food. There was a stiff silence, her grandparents and her Mother sharing worried glances. Her Father's face relaxed for a moment before glaring at his Daughter beside him.

" Mako, we don't talk about Heroes during dinner. Now, please, continue Tenko." Their Father returned to the original conversation. Kaori didn't seem to notice the difference in her name, taking another bite of food.

" Sorry, Chichi." She said. Tenko had nothing more to say, he continued picking at his food, glaring at it intensely. Why is he so mean to Ori-chan?, He thought. She's only 2, she doesn't know any better. You can't even talk to her like a Father.

.  .  .

Later that night, Kaori sat on her bed, her brother sitting on the floor below her. Her small hands wove his already wavy hair into small twists, making sure to braid it nicely. This was one of her favorite things to do; to simply sit in silence, twisting stands of her brother's wavy hair.

" Koko?" She asked in the midst of her braiding.

" Yeah, Ori-chan?" Tenko asked, looking back at his younger sister.

" We'll always be together, right? Koko will never leave Kaori alone?" She asked, staring down at him with her large, innocent ruby eyes, chin-length hair swinging back and forth. 

Tenko smiled, turning around to face Kaori, " We'll always be together. I promise!" 

He gave her a small smile, Kaori's grin mirroring his as she jumped up, hugging her brother tightly, throwing her small arms around his neck. Tenko hugged her waist, rubbing up and down her back in a comforting motion.

If only it had lasted

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