The Secrets

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" Let's recap."

Kaori sat across from All Might, rubbing her eyes as she sucked in a deep breath. They'd gone over most of the situation, but everything adding together only added more questions. She didn't remember much of any of this. 

" Nana Shimura, my Grandmother, was your Master and the previous holder of One For All, which was created from All For One's Quirk, which was passed down from the first holder, which  now belongs to Midoriya?" She asked, looking up at the man. He nodded, taking in a deep sigh. 

" I had planned to tell you sooner. Even Gran Torino reprimanded me about it. How do you feel about it?" He asked. She swung one leg over the other, crossing her arms tightly with a glare. 

" I'm pissed." She said, not bothering to shield the intensity of her wrath. All Might almost shivered under her glare. It was an exact replica of his Master's. To try and calm her wrath, he smiled warily, complimenting her hair. 

" D-did you do something with your hair? I-it's longer..!" He said, pointing it out. Her eyes narrowed at him, clearly not taking the compliment that was meant to save him. He gulped, looking down as he leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. 

" I can tell you as much as I can, anything you want to know, except for her own family. She didn't talk much about her family." He said. She let her intense gaze fall, uncrossing her arms. She let her body relax with a small sigh. 

" What did she look like?" Kaori asked, trying to be as gentle as she could. All Might smiled at this. 

" Well, it isn't much different than what you look like now. You practically have the same facial features, except for the eyes. She had black amethyst. She was well built, seeing as she was the previous #1 Hero. I looked up to her like she was my own mother." All Might said, closing his eyes as he envisioned his Master before him. A smile made it's way to his face. Kaori leaned forward, smiling. 

" She does sound beautiful. My dad, my birth father, had similar features, but he had resting-bitch-face. He almost always had a scowl on his face," She said, her hand subconsciously playing with the locket that hung around her neck. " My sister, Hana, took after my father the most. She had a wonderful smile, with beautiful eyes. She was mischievous, but so very kind." She lulled in a slow breath, exhaling as she undid the locket from her neck. Hearing the small click, All Might looked up, watching as Kaori moved to sit by him. She allowed him to look at her locket, even held it out for him to take. He looked to her for reassurance, receiving a nod and a small smile. He took it gently, looking at the photo of the family. It was true; her birth father had RBF. The little girl that stood by the father's side truly did have a mischievous looking smile with kind eyes. Sitting in the chair must've been Kaori's mother, a bright smile on her face as she held the baby that was his student. At her side stood who he could only assume was-

" Tenko. Even at a young age, I remember he still had his scratching issue. It was a way of coping with his stress. Nevertheless, he always had a smile like yours. You were his idol, despite our father's hatred for Heroes." She said, pointing to the small boy near the chair. All Might smiled sadly, looking over the family. He turned toward Kaori, seeing past the wall she'd built in her eyes. She was hurting; every second was spent thinking about her family, what she could've done, what they could've been, who they were. So, in return, All Might did the one thing she needed most. He closed the locket, enveloping Kaori into a loose hug. Kaori's eyes were full of confusion, unsure of what to do. Then he spoke the words she'd awaited. 

" We'll find Tenko. I promise." His words rung in her head, playing over and over, emotions piling on-top of each other. Tears began to pool in her eyes, small sounds of whimpers appearing every few seconds. She clung to All Might, hiding her face in his shoulder. All Might felt his own tears spill, hugging her tighter as he pat her back. They shared their grief, staying like this for the next few seconds. Soon, they let go and All Might placed the locket around her neck once again. She sniffled, wiping the tears away. 

" Do y-you really promise? When the Heroes discover their whereabouts, you'll let me come? Promise me you'll let me talk to him...before I never see him again." She said, hanging her head as she spoke the truth. If the Heroes ever found him, he'd be sent to Tartarus, the biggest villain jail on the Eastern side. He put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a confident smile. 

" It won't end like that. I promise, when they find them, you'll be the first to take action. It'll be your call on what happens before he's taken and even then, you can see him whenever you like. Tenko is your brother and you have every right to talk to him." All Might encouraged, giving a prominent thumbs up. She smiled gratefully, hugging All Might once again. 

" Thank you, All Might..."

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