Best Jeanist

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" Everyone has their costumes, right?" Aizawa asked as they were all at the train station. " Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet and don't lose anything." Aizawa said.

" Gotcha!" Mina said, throwing her suitcase up.

" Speak properly. It's Yes, sir, Ashido." Aizawa said.

" Yes, sir." Mina said, less enthusiastic.

" Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internship." Aizawa said. " Now get to it."

" Yes sir!" The students said. Kaori then walked up to her dad, holding a piece of paper.

" Now listen, you have to stay up for at least 12 hours and make sure you find room to sleep for at least 6 hours, ok? Try and go to the store and don't get paranoid. People won't pay attention to you if you don't stare at them and judge what they're doing wrong." She explained, handing him the list.

" Hunny, I can handle myself. I promise." Aizawa said.

" Alright, alright. Bye Dad, love you." She said, hugging him.

" Love you, too, kiddo. Be safe with Jeanist and listen to him." He said as she started walking away from him. She smiled and waved back at him. She turned back and continued walking to the train. She walked onto the train and sat down in a window seat. This would be a long trip.

After The Train Ride

Kaori got off the train, following the other passengers to the nearest doors. As she left the train, she received a notification from an unknown number. 

??? -

Look ahead of you, Miss Shimura.

She looked ahead of her, seeing Best Jeanist waving to her. She broke a small smile as she put away her phone, walking forward. She was soon standing in front of the Pro, silky hair and all. She bowed to him, looking back up with an expressionless face. 

" Thank you for accepting me, sir-" She started, but a loud, explosive voice interrupted her. She mentally groaned, standing from her bow. 

" VOODOO?! WHAT ARE YOU-" Bakugou's figure made itself present beside her, his voice soon hushed as Best Jeanist spoke to him, calmly. 

" You should really learn to lower your volume in public. Plus, it is rude to interrupt, much less bark, at a lady." Best Jeanist reprimanded. Bakugou growled at this, but shut his mouth, shoving his hands in his pockets. Jeanist looked between the two before clicking his tongue and turning away from them. 

" Right, it seems we have much work to improve. Come, we haven't the time to waste the day." Jeanist said, holding up his hand and motioning for them to follow. The two glanced at each other briefly before following the Pro Hero. Jeanist slid into a black car, the two following suit. As soon as they were buckled, the car started driving. Jeanist sat across from them, looking between the two as they looked at him. Kaori was a bit unsure of this silence, but kept a dead expression plastered on her face. Bakugou was crossing his arms, looking out the window with a scowl. Jeanist sighed disapprovingly, covering his face briefly with his hand before looking back up, straightening himself out. 

" Why do you think I've accepted you two? Because you're powerful?" Jeanist questioned. Bakugou glanced at him, giving a small tch sound.

" Well, duh. Why else would you have taken us as interns if isn't for our powers?" Bakugou questioned, now looking at the man. Jeanist's face hardened, showing much annoyance. 

" Yes, you're both very powerful, but that isn't why I called you here. I'll explain more inside. For now, change into your Hero Costumes and meet me in my office." Jeanist said. As if on cue, the car's door opened, Jeanist climbing out in a rather elegant manner. Kaori stepped out, Bakugou following her as the two walked in. They followed Jeanist most of the way till he directed him toward the changing rooms. They separated, walking into their distinguished rooms. Kaori opened her small trunk, surprised to find a very much different Hero Costume. A note was placed upon the suit, her name written in beautiful kanji. She picked it up, reading it carefully.

Dear Miss Shimura,

As part of the Costume Development Program, we decided to give your
Hero Costume a little flare, to have it resemble your Quirk and all. 
We do hope you don't mind and if you have any disliking towards your outfit,
feel free to turn it into us and give us your thoughts. Enjoy your internship!

Sincerely Yours, 
Hajime Fumiko and the Costume Development and Design Program

She folded the note back up, setting it aside. She raised the suit up, glancing at it. It was definitely different from her original outfit, but it was pretty decent. Actually, it looked sick.

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Kaori looked at herself in the mirror, looking at each and every angle. She looked pretty sick, even if they did technically change it without her permission. Plus, it was pretty tight fitting. She tied her hair up after admiring herself, only to realize that her gloves covered her fingers. That was a deal-breaker. She took a pair of scissors, slicing the tops off so it simply liked finger-gloves. After she was set, she walked out, only to notice Bakugou leaning up against the wall, waiting for her. She smirked, deciding she would tease him a bit. 

" Aw~you waited for me?" She asked. When he was just about to bark at her, he realized she was wearing something very different from her original outfit. This was rather tight, whereas her costume was skin-tight. She raised a brow after realizing he was just staring at her. She snapped her fingers in front of his face, snapping him out of whatever trance he was in. He growled at her.


" Calm down, puppy, calm down~"


" I'm pretty sure we're the same height."

" SHUT UP!!"

" This isn't very Plus Ultra of you-"


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