Internships With Katsuki Bakugou

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" DIE!!!"


Kaori dodged another one of Bakugou's vicious attacks, moving back from her previous spot. It was their third day with Best Jeanist and instead of the normal behavioral classes or patrol's, they got to fight. And Bakugou was ECSTATIC and would not stop sprouting explosion after explosion, wasting his energy and her own. Best Jeanist sighed, pinching his nose bridge.

" You should never talk to somebody, much less a partner, like that." Best Jeanist said, avoiding a few sparks from another one of Bakugou's explosions. Karoi dodged another attack, moving to the side as Bakugou's arm passed her body. She grabbed his arm, pulling him forward before twisting his arm behind his back. Bakugou's hand, which had been facing upward, sprouted a few explosions, giving a warning to Kaori he was about to pull a stupid move. Kaori let go of Bakugou, jumping back just in time to see Bakugou set off a large explosion, that was supposed to originally throw her across the room. Bakugou stood full height again, readying himself with a few more explosions as he faced the girl. However, Best Jeanist put his hand up, signaling for them to pause. Both teenagers stopped to look at the Hero, not one bit relaxing their bodies.

" You two are the least bit of the word grace. Maybe it isn't important to you, but it will be in your future." Best Jeanist said, his eyes becoming half-lidded out of annoyance. The two teenagers blinked in confusion, still unsure what this meant to them. Were they supposed to couples dance while fighting villains. Do some ballet while saving people from a burning building? Yeah, the two aggressive muffins didn't understand shit. So, Best Jeanist came up with a brilliant idea. 

" Bakugou, Shimura, couples dance." Best Jeanist instructed. The two stared flabbergasted, finally moving out of their fighting stance. They looked at each other before looking at Jeanist.

" don't mean it!....right?" Kaori asked, fiddling with her hands worriedly.

" I'm afraid so, Miss Shimura. I believe, to calm both of your.....tense and rather aggressive minds, you need to be given a calmer, much more gentle lesson. If couple dancing is too much, I'll gladly teach you ballet. Just now, I'm very strict with my students." Best Jeanist said, lowering his gaze as he basically death-glared the children. Bakugou and Kaori glanced at each other, that small glance turning into a glare. Kaori crossed her arms as Bakugou huffed. 

" If we take this dance lesson, we will never EVER speak about it again. No blackmail. Deal?" She asked. Bakugou rolled his eyes before nodding at her. And in less than hour, the two were being instructed on how to dance. They both scowled at each other the hole time, correcting each other whenever they could. 

" Do not move your hands from where they are, Katsuki Bakugou, or I swear to god." Kaori threatened, just above the tone of a whisper. 

" I'm not moving them! Your body won't stop moving, Dip-shit!" Bakugou growled. 

" That's the concept of dancing, idiot." She deadpanned. 

" The more insults you throw, the longer this will go. Do we need to learn Salsa dancing on top of this?" Best Jeanist asked. 

" NO!" The two shouted simultaneously. 

" Good. I didn't want to waste more time with this anyway." Best Jeanist said. The two glared at each other as they continued to dance, Jeanist instructing them along the way. That was their training for the entire day. Katsuki Bakugou and Kaori Shimura, dancing the day away. 

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