Questions and Answers

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Kaori sat in the driver's seat of the car, staring out at the vast area of water. They'd been driving for over 30 minutes and in just a few seconds, she'd be put face to face with Japan's most notorious villain. The moment the police heard she wanted to meet All For One, they wanted to decline, but Detective Tsukauchi, who was a close friend of All Might's and had been the Detective of the Shimura case, fought to get her here. Now she had to make it worth it. She could only hope he'd comply. After going through security and their protocol and all, she was allowed into the room, alone, with her note-book. All For One's head perked up at the presence, a smile spreading across his face as she sat down. 

" Kaori Shimura. It's a pleasure to meet you, especially under better circumstances. I do apologize for how things were at Kamino, but you know how the story goes. Hero VS. Villain and the Hero always wins. Not without a little fight, you know?" He asked, speaking in that polite tone he always seemed to have, even in the fight. She opened her notebook, pencil at the ready. 

" They told me I'm here to investigate and pry information from you," She said, looking at her note-book and writing down a few words. " But I'm not following through." All For One hummed before giving a chuckle. 

" You sure are an independent soul, aren't you? Funny, Nana was the same way in the brief moments I met her." All For One spoke. She didn't pay any attention to his taunting. She took the picture of her grandparent and father out of the notebook, holding it up to him. She unfolded it. 

" This is her, right? Nana Shimura?" She asked. All For One leaned forward, a smile appearing on his face. 

" Why, yes it is! It's been a while since I've seen that smile. Is that Tomura right there?" He asked, leaning back again. 

" No, this is our Father when he was young. His name's Kotaro." She said, folding the picture up before placing it back in her note-book, jotting down notes. 

" When did you find Koko?" She asked, glancing up at him briefly as she continued to write. He hummed, a quizzical look on his face. 

" Let me see. He couldn't be no older than 8. He was different from what your Father looked like there. He had his cyan hair with distraught, crimson eyes. He was begging for help, but with the blood on his hands, people scurried away, saying the Heroes would help him. I found him under a bridge in the rain." He said, speaking slowly as she continued to write. Of course they did. Some people aren't even decent enough to help a child. If only Naomi could've found him...she would've helped him in a heart beat. All For One continued. 

" When I brought him home, he was clueless to the world around him. He kept muttering the name Ori-chan, scratching his neck. I felt bad, in all honesty. Do you know the exact cause for it?" All For One asked. She looked up from her notebook, nodding slowly. 

" Allergies and stress. I have a similar coping-mechanism." She answered, writing down the last bits of his last question.

" That's right, he said he saw you, scratching at your wrist. You really shouldn't, Kaori. It's considered self-harm." Instead of the mocking tone she expected, he was genuine, like he'd known her for years. She looked up at him, holding up the finger-less gloves she'd been presented with. 

" I don't normally notice, besides, I've got this crap now." She said, glaring at the cloth. He chuckled, a smile on his face. 

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