News On Both Sides

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Kaori knocked on 1B's door, waiting patiently for a response. She'd been up bright and early that morning, sure to call Mirio and have him bring Eri to 1A's Heights Alliance while she went and fetched a visitor. She wasn't the most ecstatic about this, considering the fact they had completely opposite personalities. Taking Dr. Masaki's advice, she'd decided to find a way for her to chill and catch up on some sleep, as well as therapy homework. She'd have a substitute of sorts take her place 3 days out of the week to teach Eri and help her grow some confidence. She thought it'd be best to grab Monoma, seeing as he could copy people's Quirks, but then realized Eri was timid, especially around special cases like Neito Monoma. Kendo appeared in the doorway, occupied with screaming at somebody not to do something that would most likely blow up the dorms. Kendo turned to her with an exhausted look, making Kaori grin a bit.

" You're the Mom-Friend, too?" She asked. Kendo gave a small smile, nodding lightly.

" What can I help you with?" Kendo asked, popping up with a bit more energy now.

" I'm just here for Monoma. I wanted to introduce him to Eri." She said, giving a small smile to the girl. Kendo raised a curious eyebrow.

" Eri? The Work Study girl? The one who's shy? Is this the best idea?" Kendo questioned, making Kaori scratch the back of her neck in embarrassment.

" Yeah, I was having second thoughts, too, but between school and my own Work Study, I'm not sure if I'll always have time to train her, so I was thinking-" Before Kaori could finish her sentence, Monoma burst through the other door, posing as always.

" She was thinking I, Neito Monoma, could train the young princess to harness her great power!" He spoke dramatically, earning unimpressed looks from both of the girls.

" Monoma, you better behave yourself. AND QUIT WITH YOU'RE STUPID ROMEO AZKABAN SHIT, IT'S BEEN A MONTH!!" Kendo lectured, hitting the boy upside the head. Monoma nearly missed, quickly hurrying down the steps and already at the sidewalk.

" WELL, WE BEST GET GOING!! C'MON SHIMURA, I'M NOT LOOKING TO DIE TODAY!!" Monoma called out to the girl, Kaori's face growing a grin. She waved to Kendo, bidding her a good day. She walked in silence as Monoma continued to boast and dramatically speak of how he was a great sorcerer for the young and out-of-control magical creatures who needed serious aid. She stopped him as they neared 1A's dorms.

" Listen, Monoma, in all seriousness, I need you to remain collected. Eri's very shy and is in a vulnerable state right now. If anything startles her too much, we might have a big problem on our hands. So just, chill." She said, pretending to instruct him on how to calmly inhale and exhale. Monoma flipped his hair in the iconic Monoma way.

" Don't worry. I'm a Pro with kids." He boasted, turning the corner with confidence. She followed, catching up with him quickly before seeing Mirio there, just as he said, with Eri by his side. Midoriya even seemed to be talking with them as well.

" SHAORI!!" Mirio called out, giving an excited wave.

" Ori-chan!!" Eri called out before gasping, quickly hiding behind Mirio's leg to their surprise.

" Oh's the bad guy! Ori-chan, be careful!" Eri warned, reaching her arm out to the girl. Kaori wanted to awe so badly, but quickly realized Monoma was going to-

" What is this foolish child talking about?! Shimura, don't tell me you GOSSIP! That's not very Hero-like, don't you know?!" Monoma began to laugh in his iconic, psychopathic way, earning a long and exasperated groan from Kaori. She pushed him back a bit, seeing Eri's fearful face.

" Oh no, that was me. I told her that UA has it's bad parts and used you as a suitable example." Mirio said simply, smiling at the boy as his eye twitched lightly. Kaori had to force back her ugly laugh, trying so hard not to insult Monoma.

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