Let's Get Started

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" So, I heard the infamous Class 1A is performing a concert~!!" Mic sang, slinking an arm around Kaori's shoulders. Kaori, who'd been casually walking down the hall, starred at him for a moment in silence before nodding, showing a small smile. 

" Yeah, it's gonna be awesome! We've got a band, a dance team, special effects. I'm excited for UA to see it." She said, watching as Mic retracted his arm, shoving his hands into his pockets with a small smile. 

" What're you doing? I hope my classes went to use." He said, speaking the last part teasingly. Kaori scoffed, pushing him away lightly. 

" You're in luck. I'm lead guitarist. Jiro's the singer, Tokoyami is on base, and Bakugou on drums. You think you'll be able to take a break from patrol to see?" She asked, sounding a bit more hopeful than she wanted. Mic beamed, resting his arm on her head, using her as an arm-rest. 

" Absolutely, Listener! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" He beamed,  using his other hand to point finger-guns. She chuckled lightly, coming closer to 1A's door. 

" Thanks, Mic! I'll see you at home!"

" See ya, kiddo! Tell Sho I said hi!"

.  .  .

" Hey, Eri!"

Eri peaked up from the small puzzle she had, meeting the scarlet eyes that matched her own. Kaori stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her with a smile. She had a small bag with her, draping over the sweatshirt she wore. Eri waved to her, her eyes full of intrigue and confusion. Kaori pulled up a chair, looking at what Eri was doing. 

" Cool puzzle! You like puzzles?" She asked. Eri nodded, giving a small hum as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. 

" Lemillion got it for me. I got to see them a few days ago. Do you know Lemillion and Mr. Deku?" Eri asked, placing the oddly shaped square in the corner to complete the left side. 

" Yep. Mr. Deku's in my class, we're friends!" Kaori said, reaching into her bag and pulling out a notebook and a few pens. She placed them on the bed for Eri, different colors decorating the white pens. 

" Which pen would you like to start with?" She asked. Eri looked at the pens, questioning which would be best to start with. She picked up the yellow-decorated pen, liking it's flower design. 

" I like this one. Why do we need these?" She asked, handing it to Kaori. Kaori smiled, taking it lightly and writing something down quickly. She turned it around, showing the girl the notebook. Eri quirked her head to the side, humming.

" We're gonna use this to help with your power. Like I said last time, we'll start with how you want your levels to go. This is Eri's Quirk Chart!" Kaori announced, drawing out a chart, gradually growing larger as it went farther up the page. She took out a few markers, showing her how they were set up. 

" These markers create the rainbow. I thought since it'd be easy to remember, we could use this. Do you want to start with purple or red?" She asked, taking out the colored markers as she put them in rainbow order. Eri looked at them before pointing to purple in silence. 

" Alright, then. Purple will be your smallest level. This can be turning a grown plant into a baby plant. Do you understand that?" She asked, coloring in the bottom level. Eri starred at it for a moment, turning her head before nodding. 

" Blue and Green can be healing wounds like scratches or cuts. That sound good?" She asked, coloring it in while adding a few notes afterward. Eri nodded, now sitting cross legged. 

" What should yellow be?" She asked, starring at Kaori as she poked her cheek with her pen. 

" Maybe scary wounds or broken bones?" She asked, looking up at Eri. She nodded, in silence again. Kaori, not very fond of the girl agreeing, filled in the column before sliding it toward Eri, holding out the red and orange. 

" I think you should find the last two, but you don't feel comfortable, just tell me." Kaori said, resting her hand on her palm. Eri starred at the markers, then the paper. She took the orange, filling it in as best she could. 

" Maybe...making people babies again? For orange?" Eri asked. Kaori nodded in approval, giving a small thumbs up. Eri put away the orange marker after a moment, picking up red. 

" Do we have to do red?" Eri asked. Kaori smiled encouragingly. 

" It's sad to think about, but we make limits so these things don't happen." Kaori said, pushing the marker toward her lightly. Eri nodded, filling it in with a determined looking face.

" I-....I think red should be when it gets out of control..? Like at the big fight, when I couldn't turn it off. How will I turn it off?" Eri asked, finishing up quickly with the red. Kaori thought for a moment. How could they turn it off. An idea popped up, a small one. 

" What if we treated it like a light-switch?" Kaori asked, standing from her seat. Eri watched in confusion as she moved toward the door, switching the light on and off. 

" On is when you can use your Quirk. Like a little tingle. On," She explained before quickly turning off the lights. " Off!" Kaori plopped back in her seat, writing it down as a possibility. 

" What if I get scared and I can't turn it off?" Eri asked, watching her write. Kaori stopped writing for a moment, swinging the pen back and forth. 

" Your horn grows as it increases its power, right?" She asked. Eri nodded. " Do you ever feel it grow?" Eri nodded again, feeling her horn lightly. 

" Sometimes it grows and it feels heavy, but sometimes its really small and I forget its there. What if I touched my horn when I use it?" Eri asked, retracting her hand, pushing her hair behind her ears. Kaori smiled, quickly writing it down. 

" Perfect! Now we have a chart! Good thinking, Eri-chan!" Kaori said, not noticing the fact she'd given Eri a little nickname. Eri blinked, confuesed for a moment. 

" Eri-chan?" Eri asked, tilting her head to the side with big, sparkling eyes. 

" O-oh! Sorry, I didn't realize! Do you mind I call you Eri-chan?" Kaori said, her eyes widening a bit as she realized her small mistake.

" No, I like it. Is that like my nickname?" Eri asked, adjusting her position on the bed. 

" Yeah, sure!" Kaori flashed a smile, setting her pen down. Eri thought for a moment. 

" Do you have a nickname?"

" Uh-...yeah, I do. It's Ori-chan."

" Can I call you that?"

. . .

" Yes. I'd love that, Eri-chan!"

" Ok. Thank you, Ori-chan."

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