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Kaori sat in her room, flipping through a small pop-up book. Her house had been very quiet, almost too quiet for her family. She'd read most of her picture books, colored most of her coloring books, and played almost every imaginary game she could think of with her stuffed animals. 

She flipped the next page of her pop-up book, giggling as the elephant popped out at hear.  A shrill scream suddenly echoed through the halls of her home, Kaori's tiny body freezing at the horrible sound. There was another scream, then silence. She waited only a moment, hoping for her Mother, for Nana, for anybody to come up stairs and hug her.

Her conscious forced her to stand, walking out of the room. Something pulled her back, she wanted to stop, but something else was telling her to walk. All the while, a simple, shocked expression glued itself to her face. She checked the living room. Nothing except the TV playing cartoons and her grandmother's coffee cup leaving a stain on the table. A newspaper also sat on the table, her grandfather's mug atop of it.

" Obaa-chan? Ojii-chan?" She called out, just above a whisper. She felt a small breeze brush against her ear, it's cool wisps of air sending a shiver down her spine. She sniffed the air and sadly, it didn't smell as fresh as the air felt. In fact, it smelled like an iron coin freshly pressed. She went the opposite way of the wind flow, following it to her backyard.

 Her feet suddenly stopped, feeling her heart stop. Her eyes widened, the iron smell filling her lungs as her eyes shifted over the yard.

" Nana....Tenko...Chichi..Haha....? "

She took a small step forward, edging closer to the scene till she was directly in front of the murder. She stood, looking down at what laid before her. She knelt down, picking up a small, silver chain, blood splattered onto it. Connected to it was a slim, silver heart locket, stained with the color of blood.

Her hands began to shake as she held the cold locket. Her vision blurred and she could feel her heartbeat speed up rapidly as if it'd explode any minute now. Her vision of everything was in colors as her head span in circles. She looked beyond the locket in her hands to the ground. 

There, perched on the ground, was her mother's decapitated head, her eyes rolling into the back of her noggin as blood stained and painted every part of her porcelain face. Kaori looked up, seeing a figure hunched over in the yard, scarred stiff as who she assumed the Villain was turned to look at her, a crazy look in his eye, blood covering his hand as he grinned with menacing satisfaction.

Kaori fell into a sudden frenzy, everything blurred together till she could calculate running. Her tiny feet were burning against hot concrete as she ran mindlessly through the city just a ways away from the suburbs. She breathed in and out, the dry air burning her throat. Tears pooled down her face uncontrollably. Kaori stopped as she regained her consciousness, starring at the fast moving figures and tall buildings. 

Where could she be? How would she get home? 

Who could she go home to? What happened in their home? 

Kaori's thoughts were suddenly put to a still when someone touched her shoulder gently.

" Are you alright, little one?" She heard a sweet, young voice ask. Kaori flinched from the contact, turning around and breaking from the person's grip while holding the locketclose to her chest. There stood a woman, kneeling on the ground, looking worriedly at her. She had straight, light brown hair with big, sweet green eyes. She smiled warmly at Kaori, staying where she was.

" Can you tell me why you're alone? Do you know where your parents are?" She asked slowly.

" N-no.....Chichi....Nana or K-koko....H-Haha....b-blood..." Kaori struggled to speak in clear sentences, still shaken from the sight she'd seen. The woman's face fell into sorrow as she stood up, taking a small steps toward her.

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