Mission Complete

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Kaori ran through the abandoned hallways of the Hassaikai. Her vision was becoming hazy, things seeming to move in color. Her body was aching and was overstimulated with heat. Did she realize this? No. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins, she was determined to find Eri and help the Heroes. She wasn't going to let them face this on their own. She'd already spent too much time reuniting with her Brother. She had to help. She felt another burn in her stomach and leaned onto the wall. She supported herself with her arm, breathing in heavily. Maybe I should've listened to Tenko.


A voice rang down the halls, scaring the living shits out of her. She clenched her head tightly, ducking down on the ground, only to be thrown off her feet. She landed on the ground with a thud, losing air for a solid second. She whirled her body around, standing again only to duck back as a red sword flew above her. Kaori kicked her leg up, forcing her foot into the person's wrist. She swerved out of the way, grabbing onto the sword's leather grip before twirling it in her hands. The villain backed away, holding their wrist lightly before creating another sword. The two starred each other down before charging into a heated battle of blades. Kaori blocked the woman's hit, pushing her back with one hand as the other covered the slit in her stomach. The woman, being the shitty person she was, drove the sword toward her stomach. Kaori, just about down with the woman, dropped her sword, grabbing onto the blade before it hit her bloodied skin. Her hand burned immensely, earning an aggravated groan from Kaori. She gripped onto the blade, it soon turning to dust. She put as much strength in her leg as possible, kicking the woman down the hall. The woman, 20 feet away, struggled to get up as she tried to breathe. Kaori began to walk down the other side of the hall, resuming her mission.


" Is that really what you want?! ERI?!"

The voice drew her attention immediately. Her head snapped in the direction of the woman, hearing the sound of shouting. Chisaki. He lost her. Somebody has Eri. Kaori clenched her burning hand tightly, refusing to look at the damage. She started racing down the hall, ignoring the burning feeling in her legs. Her breath was ragged and shallow, desperately trying to find breathable air. She finally saw a small figure, pieces of broken rock surrounding a large whole in the wall. She followed the small figure's path. She peered through the whole in the wall, looking in slightly. There was the little girl, Eri, in the small cascade of rocks.

" But if I do, I want you to make them all better again!" She heard Eri say.

" Ah, yes, it's so much easier to be hurt yourself than watch others be hurt for you. The faint glimmer of hope you gave her is gone. You think you're helping, but you're only making this worse. She doesn't want you." Chisaki threatened. A hand grabbed onto Eri's shoulder lightly, causing Eri to jump. She looked behind her, seeing Kaori standing there.

" Hey, kid.." She mustered out as her whole body shook, a smile following. Kaori fell to her knees, turning Eri towards her as the blood began to seep through her suit. She looked up at Eri, allowing tears to pour from her eyes.

" His words hurt like hell, right? You can't....d-don't let them hurt you...I see it in you, Eri, you're an amazing little girl....these people don't deserve you." Kaori said, trying to keep in her sob. Her face crumpled in agony as she bent over, holding her cut. I'm losing too much blood. Eri starred at her, afraid and confused. She didn't know her, she didn't know what the girl would do, but seeing her made Eri want to stay in her embrace. Kaori breathed in and out again, controlling her sobs.

" Look at me, Eri....we're going to get through this...together....because you know what, me and you...we've got the same Quirk." Kaori said, putting a smile on her face. Eri was more afraid now then ever, unsure what to do. She wanted to be with this strange girl, to feel her comfort, but she didn't want her to die because of her own selfish wants. Kaori looked down for a moment, sucking in a shattered breath. A large crush came from above, causing Kaori to fall toward the ground. She held her head, closing her eyes tightly as she struggled to breath. I feel like I'm drowning....everything's moving too quick......dammit....I wasn't hurt that bad, right? Eri looked down at Kaori in fear before seeing her stand slowly. She walked in front of Eri, scrunching up her face into a brave scowl. Eri watched as Kaori kept her from seeing Chisaki or the Green-Haired Hero or whatever fell from the ground. Eri gasped in sudden horror, tears springing to her eyes as she saw the girl's back. Blood was seeping through her costume and it was burned. Not even Kaori seemed to notice it.

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