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Finally, the Final round. For those who didn't cut it into the final round, other activities were being set up for them. They even had cheerleaders. As Kaori was walking out into the stadium, she saw the girls wearing the cheerleader outfits. When she turned her head, however, she hadn't expected to see her very own classmates wearing the same revealing outfits.

" What are you wearing." She said, dumbfounded. 

" didn't-UGH! YOU STUPID PERVERTS!" Jirou yelled. Momo fell on her knees, disappointed in herself, Uraraka patting her on the shoulder in comfort. 

" You all have beautiful bodies, you know. You're probably stealing the show right now." Kaori said. This didn't seem to settle how uncomfortable the other girls still were. 

" They're going to be in trouble later." Kaori pointed out, pointing to the very idiots. This made Jiro brighten up a bit.

" Hey, she's right! HA! TAKE THAT, YOU PERVERTS!" Jirou said, pointing to Kaminari and Mineta. 

" Whatever. We're satisfied with our work." Mineta and Kaminari commented. 

" Satisfied huh?" She asked, a little annoyed. Both boys looked at her as she appeared right behind them, holding onto their shoulders with only four fingers. A dark aura seeped from her body as everything seemed to darken.

" Did you not think about the consequences?" She asked, her voice becoming lower and more intimidating as the boys shook in fear. In less than 30 seconds, Kaminari and Mineta were being shaken in the air, yelling for mercy. She stopped eventually, allowing them to lay on the ground like the imbeciles they were. (like after 3 minutes of making them her personal tornadoes)
Soon enough, they began to line up with their classmates, listening to Midnight as she explained the minor details. As Midnight was about to have people pull lots, Ojiro raised his hand. 

" Sorry, but I'm withdrawing." He said. The whole class turned to look at him. Who would ever give up this chance?

" Ojiro? No way!" Midoriya said.

" But this is a rare chance for you to get scouted. It just wouldn't be right. I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it," Ojiro said. " I think it was that guy's quirk." Ojiro hadn't pointed to anybody which meant Shinsou couldn't get in trouble.

" I know this is a great opportunity. I wish I could take part in it, but my conscience won't let me." Ojiro said, closing his fist tightly. Kaori couldn't help but feel the slightest bit guilty. Her and Shinsou had taken advantage of him and Aoyama.

" Just think about this." Midoriya said, trying to persuade him out of it. 

" I have, okay?" This made a few people stiffen. The chillest, laid back guy in class almost snapped at somebody.

" Everyone gave their all in round two, but I was just someone's puppet. No way is that happening again. I don't wanna advance if I don't even know how I got here. It wouldn't be fair." Ojiro said. 

" You're making way too much of this, Ojiro! Just kill it in the finals and prove you're meant to be here!" Hagakure said, waving her pom-poms in the air.

" Yeah, what she said! I didn't do much in the battle, either." Mina said, siding with Hagakure.

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