Final Exams Pt. 2

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" Jiro and Shimura,  Practical Exam. Ready? GO!"

Jiro and Kaori began walking through the forest, keeping an ear out for Present Mic's shouts. Kaori led the way through the forest, Jiro following after her. They were only seconds into this exam, but they only had 15 minutes to complete it. 

" We should avoid combat with Present Mic and head straight for the escape." Jiro said. 

" He's there." She said. Jiro stopped in her tracks, confuesed. How did she already know?

" Present Mic's voice can carry out as far, and as loud, as he wants. If anything, he'll be guarding it himself and he'll keep us stranded out hear with a maxed out yell." She said, turning to look back at her partner. Jiro walked forward, plastering a smirk on her face. 

" How are you so smart when comes to this combat stuff?" Jiro asked. Kaori shrugged, walking forward at a quick pace. 

" Marvel Movies, maybe?" She said, putting on a small smirk before breaking into a run.  They continued on running for a few moments, Kaori using enhanced eyesight to see around them. Even if he was at the gate, there's no telling which way that was. A sudden yell sounded through the forest, stopping both girls as they covered their ears. As it came to a stop, Kaori motioned for Jiro to follow her. 

" We don't have time to stand around! We've gotta talk and run!" She said, running forward quickly. Jiro followed behind, keeping close to Kaori. 

" He's obviously going to run out of air at some point, hence why we have a break right now. Depending on distance, that may change the start and end we experience versus his. When he yells again, plug your jacks into the ground and figure out where his sound is centered!" She commanded. 

" You got it!" Jiro said, saluting to her. Not a second later, Present Mic began shouting again, phrase after phrase. I'M BORED, HURRY UP, YOU GUYS ARE SLOW, all of those and more.

" DO IT!" Kaori shouted as loud as she could. Jiro plugged her earphone jacks into the ground, kneeling down to it to try and hear it better. A minute passed and his phrases just kept going. Kaori inhaled a sharp breath, grinding her foot into the ground. The dirt beneath her foot cracked, almost hitting Jiro's earphone jacks. 

" Shut.."

" UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kaori's voice carried out over the forest, surprising those behind the monitor. The white in her hair rapidly crawled up to side of her head, fully enveloping one side. Kaori's eyes became cat-like, small and beady, glowing with rage. Present Mic finally shut up, but Kaori's rage didn't cease.

" What direction." She demanded. Jiro's earphone jacks returned to it's normal length, her face written with worry. 

" To your left, straight ahead..." Jiro said. Kaori turned to her left placing her hands on the ground. She glared at the forest ahead of her as a small light illuminated under her hands. 

" Get behind me." She said, the ground beneath her starting to rumble.

 "What are you gonna do?" Jiro asked, moving behind Kaori. Kaori scoffed before a chaotic smile appeared on her face. 

" I'm gonna destroy that damned alarm clock." 

At that moment, waves of Earth ripped off the ground, forming into waves as they went forward. Present Mic tapped his foot on the ground, whistling briefly without using his Quirk. He sighed, a little disappointed. 

" What are these kids doing? Are they really letting the time run out?" Present Mic questioned nobody, looking in either direction of himself. He suddenly felt the earth tremble, a shadow passing over him. He looked up, his confident mood suddenly shattering. A Tsunami of rock and earth and BUGS were hurtling toward him. 


Even when yelling with his Quirk, the waves only broke apart to reform again. From atop a wave, Jiro clung to Kaori for dear life, burying her face in the girls back. 

" KAORI!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jiro questioned, looking up shaken and terrified. So high up from the ground, or more like, on the ground so far from solid safety. Kaori didn't bother listening, already deaf from Mic's dramatic screams. They came hurtling toward the ground, right over Present Mic. 

" KAORI, WATCH OUT!! YOU'RE GONNA KILL HIM!!" Jiro said, shaking her shoulders. Kaori's eyes widened, the waves ferocity suddenly dying, the bit of rock they were on still zooming on the ground. They rushed right past Present Mic, Kaori's nails digging into the ground to stop them from going all the way toward the Pacific ocean. Present Mic shook in fear, suddenly falling toward the ground and passing out. Kaori looked back at the gate, Jiro finally detaching herself from Kaori's back. Jiro stood, leaning on her knees as she looked at Kaori, still in the position she was in when she sent the tsunami of earth. 

" Whoa...." Jiro said, surprised by the sight before her. 

" What?" Kaori asked, keeping her eyes fixated on Present Mic. 

" The side of your's completely white. You look like Todoroki, but with white and black." Jiro said, pointing to the side of her head. 


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