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Kaori ran towards the central plaza, holding her doll as she upped her speed. In her other hand, she held Aizawa's doll, listening to what the damned villains were saying. As she came to the central plaza, she saw a giant creature smash her Father's head into the ground. 

" DAD!!!" 

She dropped both of her puppets, keeping her eyes solely on the giant creature. Slowly, her own hair started to float as the ground beneath her feet suddenly broke. She suddenly became a blur of nothing, zooming toward the two. As Kaori passed the giant creature, she touched it, keeping one finger off. The creature that had hurt her father started to float up as it struggled to gain control in the air. She felt pressure increasing on her as she held up both of her hands. She threw the giant creature away from her father, and towards the misty grape. She didn't take a moment to breathe as she ran forward toward Aizawa. She collapsed to the ground as she came near him, turning him over to look at him. Seeing the blood around his head and his broken arms. It reminded her so much of when she saw those dismembered body parts, the broken ground, all that ash. Her hands began to shake as the flashes from her childhood appeared before her. Her breathing became ragged and short as she tried to calm herself. This was not the time to have Flash backs, much less a Panic Attack. 

" Wake up......please? Don't leave....don't leave like Hana...like Koko....I don't want to be alone...." She cried as her mind was only focused on her father. She hadn't even realized she'd been moved, both her and Aizawa. She turned her head a bit, seeing All Might holding her Dad.

" I'm sorry, Aizawa. I should've been here." He was here with Midoriya, Mineta, and Tsuyu. He set Aizawa back on the ground, as gentle as he could. 

" Everybody back to the entrance. Help Shimura take Eraser Head to the entrance. He doesn't have much time. I'll deal with these villains." All Might said. She didn't hesitate to pick Aizawa up and sling one of his arms around her shoulder. Midoriya took his other arm as Mineta took the back of Aizawa's legs. Tsuyu came up beside her, holding her shoulder lightly as she smiled sadly. However, Kaori's mouth laid slightly agape as she tried to digest what was happening. Her body was working faster than her brain.

" All Might, you can't. That brain villain took One For-" Midoriya started, but he paused. She kept her head down, not wanting to show them that she was crying. 

" I-i smashed him and didn't break my arm, but he wasn't fazed at all. He's too strong!" Midoriya said. To most, he'd sound like he was paranoid, but to her, she heard it. It was the genuine worrying of someone you look up to and love might get hurt.

" Young Midoriya! I got this." All Might said, holding a peace sign in front of his face. They turned around and they all started walking back towards the entrance. Nobody said a word. Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta were all looking back at All Might , admiring how strong he was and saying how they knew he would beat the bird. They stopped for a moment and she glanced back. 

" Asui." She heard Midoriya say. 

" Yeah, what is it, Midoriya?" Tsuyu asked. 

" Will you carry Mr. Aizawa for me?" She heard Midoriya ask.

Tsuyu croaked and then asked, " Sure, but what're you gonna do?" Tsuyu took Aizawa from Midoriya and he started running back toward All Might. Kaori widened her eyes a bit, before shutting them tightly as she pressed her palms against her eyes. She felt a stinging pain as she blinked.

" Power Chick, stop him! You stopped the bird from crushing Mr. Aizawa, so stop Midoriya!" Mineta cried. She opened her eyes again, but everything was blurry.

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