A New Enemy

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The League waited patiently for their team to fully assemble. It'd been well over a month since Kamino was destroyed and All For One was placed behind bars. The team, for safety, scattered across Japan, meeting at least once a week to talk about upcoming threats or potential assets. Twice had called in, saying he'd found something worth the League's time and coincidentally, it happened to be the day they'd gather for mission reports. Currently, only Big Sis, Toga, and Compress were there with Shigaraki. Dabi wouldn't be joining them and Spinner was late. Kuromi was on her way, whereas Twice was bringing in the fresh meat. Toga twirled a knife in one hand, resting her chin lazily on the other. 

" Why isn't Witchy here yet~? I've been dying for us to have a Girls Night!" Toga whined. 

" Don't worry, dear. Witchy will be here soon, I'm sure! Then we can celebrate!" Big Sis said from beside her, waving a reassuring hand. As if on cue, purple sparks came from the other side of the room, her incantation appearing on the wall. She walked through, pulling down her hood. Toga jumped up with new found energy, the two other girls running to greet her. 

" It's been too long, Witchy! C'mon, me and Big Sis have been waiting forever to hang!!" Toga said, clinging onto her arm with a toothy grin. Kuromi held up a finger, motioning for her to wait. Shigaraki, noticing her presence, hopped down from his spot on cargo boxes, walking toward her. She walked toward him, meeting him half-way there. Small words formed in front of her. 

Your Sister Is Searching For You

" She shouldn't be searching for me, she'll get in trouble with those Heroes." He said bitterly. New words began to form.

She's A Determined Soul. It Might've Been A Good Idea To Move Meeting Places.

" Why was it a good idea?" He asked, scratching his neck lightly as he squinted his eyes. 

She Found Out Our Last Meeting Place From A Thug. 

" What's she doing searching for thugs?!" He questioned, flailing his arms lightly. Just then, the door opened, revealing Twice's head. His mask seemed to rise, signifying he was happy. 

" WHAT'S UP, PEOPLE?! Uh, this place is so dingy." Twice alternated, walking in the doorway with a man behind him. He had small golden eyes and he wore a strange crow mask. Shigaraki and Kuromi seemed to recognize him immediately as she turned her body to face him fully.

" Well, now. You brought a pretty big catch, huh, Twice?" Shigaraki said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Kuromi narrowed her eyes at the man, feeling an off vibe. He was trouble, and the kind they didn't need. A small incantation began to form at her fingertips.

" You think so? Strange, coming from you. The League of Villains." The man said, pulling his gloves up a little farther. 

" Is this guy famous or something?" Big Sis Mag asked, leaning toward Toga, who stood next to her.

" He's what you'd call a yakuza." Shigaraki answered. Bright, big words of purple appeared before them in the air, courtesy of Kuromi.

Kai Chisaki. Quirk : Overhaul. The Young Head of the Shie Hassaikai.

" To what do we owe the pleasure, Overhaul?" Shigaraki asked, walking forward slightly. Overhaul's eyes narrowed toward the sorceress, a strange form of hatred in them. She returned the look, not bothering to hide her discomfort with him.

" He's the number two of the whole gang. Ooh! I've never met anyone like him before! He smells...dangerous. How exciting!" Big Sis said, a smile creeping onto her face.

" What's the deal? We're all criminals here, why is this guy different?" Toga asked, looking between Big Sis and Compress. Kuromi's words appeared in the air once again.

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