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The entrance exam into UA was the week prior to now, when she recieved her letter. Taking the recommendations exam with few other examinees, they were required at UA one day earlier than normal exams. Very little passed the exams and were accepted, but a great deal of promising people made it into the Hero Course

The first day of UA was today, and Kaori was nothing more than thrilled. Dreams were at the starting line, and to venture forward in a mere 3 years drove Kaori to prep herself early. She'd completed her normal routine, slinging her bookbag onto her shoulderi. She turned her head, hearing footsteps pad against the ground, seeing Aizawa leaning against the wall, eyes still half-asleep, peeling open like a chameleons'. 

" Were you going to leave without giving your Chichi a goodbye? How rude." He drawled in the familiar monotone voice, putting on a smirk to contrast his voice.

" I didn't want to wake you; you were sleeping so peacefully." She batted her eyelashes, walking towards Aizawa as he lifted himself from the wall, bringing her into a bear hug.

" Bye Chichi. I love you." She muttered into his shoulder.

" Love you, too, peach. I'll be at UA in bit, ok?" He asked, a small hum following from Kaori. He kissed her forehead before letting her go, waving back to the girl as she closed the door. Walking down the street, passing the usual morning people. Some normal, others abnormal. Then again, their soceity didn't fit into an either-or category. Approaching UA, her phone buzzed from beneath her coat pocket. Sliding it out quickly, she pulled up her notifications, recognizing the contact.

| Dr. Strange |
Look behind you, Time-Stone

She looked behind her, seeing Shinsou jogging to catch up to her. She pointed at Shinsou, pretending to be surprised by his presence, the boy's jaw slacking as if he were in Scream. Approaching each other closer, their faces fell into sly smirks, fist bumping each other as their good morning greeting.

" You walk fast, you know that?" Shinsou asked, picking up a steady stride towards UA.

" Force of habit, I suppose. I can't believe they'd let an energy drink-addict, Eraserhead fanboy into UA. Their standards must really be dropping." She said, shaking her head in dissapointment, 

His head hung from one side, his nose scrunching up as he sneered at her, " They let in this mental-ill, marvel freak into UA, it's so embarrassing." Indeed. I see you did as well....and you didn't tell me. Tch. Some friend you are." 

The two shared their shits and giggles, complimenting one another's insults. The two walked silently into the school, a few bystanders staring at the Depresso Duo.

Appearing at 1A's door, Shinsou stopped, " Well, this is where we part. I do hope you gouge out your eyes and break a leg. See ya, Aizawa!"

She stuck her tongue out at Shinsou, watching him drag his eye-lid down, a sick expression on his face. They waved to each other before Shinsou turned the hall, leaving Kaori to 1A's massive door. It never felt this big when walking into it before, she thought. 

Pushing it open, 2/3 of the class were already present and seated. She cut her glance short, taking a seat in front, farthest to the right in front of a spikey, blond haired boy with a bad case of RBF. She sat quietly, listening to the conversation between people around her. She inspected her nails, though there was nothing special to them, rubbing her finger-tips together as she imagined blankly. Growing bored of the minimal chatter, she crossed her arms, lying her head in the small space her arms provided, drifting her eyes shut. As she was successfully about to fall asleep, arguing became prominent.

" GET YOUR FEET OFF THAT DESK RIGHT NOW." A stern voice announced from practically right infront of her.  She groaned softly, peaking to the side to see a familiar looking boy with slick, navy blue hair back and engine-like calves behind her desk and in front of the blond. He kinda looks like Tensei Iida, but with glasses. He started studying here when I was.....5?

" It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property!" The Iida boy complained, chopping his arm in the air unapporvingly.

" You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?" The blond complained. Kaori sat up, turning herself to face them, resting her chin on her palm, while watching the scene play out. The dark haired boy took a moment, collecting himself, then put his hand to his chest.

" Let's start over. I am Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

" Somei, huh? You think you're better than me because of some shitty teaparties you played at? I'm gonna have fun tearing you apart." The blond tempted, a horrendous gasp escaping Iida at the foul langauge.

Iida was in horror, " You'd threaten your own classmate!?" 

Blond scoffed before glancing towards the door, bored too quickly by their conversation. Iida's eyes followed, a different expression appearing on his face.

" It's him." Iida mumbled, loud enough only she and blondie heard. Him? Kaori turned her head towards the door, seeing a short, green haired boy, paranoid and shaking in his boots.

" Hi....?" 

" GOOD MORNING," Iida stalked away from Kaori's desk to the boy, his hands moving as though they were robotic. " I am Tenya Iida from-"

" I-I know. I'm Izuku Midoriya! It's nice to meet you!" The boy said, relaxing momentarily as Iida ceased his brisk walking. Iida bega to admit how Midoriya was far superior than him before another came in. A cheery girl that went by the name Ochako Uraraka. As Uraraka was creating weird hand gestures, causing Midoriya to go red with embarrassment, and Iida was on standby to their conversation. 

Out of the awkward moment, came the annonymous voice of another. 

" If you're here to make friends, pack up your bags and leave." 

Uraraka's pause button was hit as she turned around, catching sight of Aizawa, rolled up in his sleeping bag on the ground. uKaori stretched her head forward a bit to get a glimpse of her dad in an almost full cocoon. And here I thought he was having a good morning. Apparently my predictions were wrong. Only one thing that could've caused this; Mic. She watched as her Chichi stepped out of his yellow sanctuary and somewhat encouraged the students with discipline.

" Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa, your teacher," He introduced himself quick and easy, dropping his sleeping bag in the corner. " Put these uniforms on and go outside." From his sleeping bag, he brought out a blue uniform, red and white lines forming the letters U and A on it. The students all stood up and took a uniform, heading for the changing rooms. Kaori walked alone most of the way, having an idea of where she was going.

" Do you know where you're going?" A girl with pink skin appeared from beside her, yellow antennas portruding from a fluffy mass of curls.

Kaori nodded, " Yeah. I-

" You read the school navigation manual as well! I'm so glad there's another student here that strategizes in any case scenario here. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, pleasure to meet you. Who might you be?" Asked a girl with ebony hair and dark crystal eyes, coming up on her left. Kaori was on pause for a split second before rejoining reality.

" Kaori Shimura." 

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