Long Live The Queen

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After the battle between Tomura Shigaraki and Re-Destro, it was announced all over Deika the Meta Liberation Army was then under the might of the League Of Villains. The fighting ceased, but the tension was still thick in the air.

After years of devotion to Destro's cause, they would suddenly be conquered by the man that they were meant to fight? They heard it first hand, the League had grown far too popular, and was going to give their cause a bad rep, meaning they must be annihilated.

And then Re-Destro forfeited. 

The League wasn't too found of the Liberation Army either. Tomura Shigaraki had indeed come out victorious, but was so heavily injured, that was enough by itself to keep their trust limited with those outside of their club. Plus, their darling Toga was badly injured, and another of their's was missing. 

As the League regrouped, the doubled Twices following and keeping their friends close inside the huddle, they passed whispers about fanning out to find Kuromi.

" Dabi, somethings caught on your shoe, in the chain." Compress pointed out, the group stopping for a moment as Dabi looked down, picking his foot up. Caught in the chain near his heel was a maroon scarf, a bit dirty and torn.

Twice gasped, pointing at it, " HEY THAT LOOKS LIKE-"

" Witchy's scarf." Dabi untangled the scarf, holding it out as he recognized the golden-star pin. His eyes darkened as he turned on his heel, stuffing it in his pocket.

" I'm goin' to look for that quitter. I'm gonna kill her when I see her.." Dabi called back, muttering the last part not very well. He made his way through the crowds, wandering the streets of Deika in search of the League's witch.

Not far from where Dabi walked, Kuromi and the small army of Meta Liberation Warriors entered the cities main assortment of buildings and roads. Kuromi looked at the buildings and roads surrounding her. Here it's deserted, but it looks like Shigaraki's decay even managed to scratch the edges of this bowl.

They passed another deserted street, this one washed with blood and dead bodies, much of the Liberation Army gasping as they recognized some of the bodies.

" Curious is dead, too?!"    " She was serious, Re-Destro's gave in." 

Kuromi ignored their chatter, reaching up to touch her scarf before realizing it was no longer there. Her hand fell slowly, eyes lowering to the ground solemnly. She raised her head high, an emerald incantation slowly forming in her palm before shining brightly, her feet coming to a halt, the army behind her following suit.

After a moment of silence, a figure appeared in the air, screaming as the same green hue her incantations had encircled the person. Kuromi's eyes narrowed in confusion as the figure suddenly came crashing to the ground before her feet, her scarf in their hands.

" What the hell..?" She spoke confusedly as the revealed character, Dabi, shook in aggravation on the ground, groaning curses a mile a minute. Kuromi knelt down to the ground, taking her scarf out of his hands. 

She picked up Dabi's head by his hair, watching his face contort into confusion. Dabi was beyond shocked, he'd never seen Kuromi without her scarf before. Damn, I thought she'd be ugly, but she's, Dabi thought to himself, the sun shining behind Kuromi's head. Not ugly...

" Your face looks stupid." 

Kuromi let go of Dabi's hair, his face crashing back into the ground. Dabi made another noise of pain and irritation, turning over as he lay on his back, holding his nose in pain. Kuromi stood to full height, looking down at Dabi in annoyance as he squinted his eyes at her.

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