Drop Dead, She Said

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" Welcome back, Ms. Aizawa." Kaori stepped into her therapist's room, taking a seat in silence. As usual, the woman had one leg draped over the other, pencil and notepad in hand. As Kaori sat down, the woman looked over her, taking note of her physical features. Eye-bags, tense muscles, stronger build. She'd improved on her shape, gaining more muscle and some shape. The woman remembered what she looked like at the start of UA; skinny, in need of a more nutritious and fuller meal. Alongside the new build, her eye-bags became more evident and her eyes seemed out-of-it. They just lingered there for the purpose of seeing her surroundings.

" What's up, Doc?" Kaori asked, a small yawn escaping after. The woman gave a soft scoff, a chuckle following.

" Maybe I should be asking you. You've skipped your last two sessions and you are exhausted." Masaki pointed out, looking the girl up and down. Kaori made an unconvinced face.

" I didn't notice. I've slept a fine 3 hours, if you ask me." She said, giving a sarcastic grin. Masaki gave a clearly unconvinced face.

" Right. So, any nightmares, flashbacks, hallucinations, etc.?" Masaki asked, writing down a few things on her notepad, listening intently as she starred at the lined piece of paper in front of her. Kaori rubbed her eyes lightly, adjusting herself so she was lying down on the sofa.

" Some, here and there. I keep reliving the same dream, over and over again, but it's in a series of fragments. In one picture, I'm 2 and reliving my family's death. In the next, I'm at the USJ. The scene changes, I'm at the Training Camp and then at Kamino. I find out my brother is the apprentice of All For One and trying to kill All Might, who was our Grandmother's protege or something like that. I'm having that breakdown, the scene changes, I'm at the Hassaikai. It's like every traumatic event decided to turn itself into a movie." She explains. Masaki nodded, taking brief notes on the subject. These things weren't new. In the first few years Kaori came to her, all they did was discuss and breakdown her nightmares. It was a challenge every time; Kaori complained everything was blurry, that nothing focused the way she wanted it to. The way she needed it to. Masaki had been a counselor and therapist for a number of years, she'd dealt with many patients. She knew how to handle Kaori's situations, but the little girl was stubborn and that stupid will of her's lived on into teenage hood. She looked up from her notes.

" Any more homework you wanna give me?" Masaki asked. Kaori's face was unimpressed by the snarky comment. She gave a fake laugh, short and not-so sweet.

" Just because you asked, I think I'll tell you. Just don't blame me for sounding insane." Kaori warned, propping herself up with her elbows. Masaki gave a sneaky grin, chuckling at her.

" I already knew that, I was just waiting for you to admit it." Masaki might've been a Dr. and a Pro at her job, but she had the smart remarks of a new adult. She might've been getting grey hair, but that powerful voice wasn't fading anytime soon.

" I hate you," Kaori muttered, not as well as people would've liked. She laid back down on the couch, her mismatched hair spreading out. She let out a slow sigh, closing her eyes lightly. It didn't take long for the image to form. " I see...my brother. His back is turned to me, but I can clearly see it's him. At first, I run up to him, but as I get closer..." She remembered the dream too vividly. She was running towards him, calling out his name. The closer she got, the more weight she felt add itself to her. " This strange mud comes out of the ground, like quicksand or somebody's Quirk. It tries to slow me down, and it does. When I look for him, he's there, but beyond him is All For One. I try calling out to him, but I'm held back and helpless. All For One takes him and I can see Tenko struggling. He doesn't want to go." Kaori looked back into her dream, her soul placing itself in the imaginary body. She was restrained by these black folds, radiating a strange white hue. Each dripping slab restrained her, lapping around her legs and arms. It tried to take her whole body, it covered her mouth in it's vile body. Tenko was being dragged away, his hand reaching out towards her. His body was beaten, scarred and torn.


She struggled in the liquid's grasp before finally freeing her hand. She reached out for him.

" KOKO!!"

She tried to push herself forward as Tenko clawed at the ground, both trying to reach each other.


Kaori reopened her eyes, their screams echoing into a nonexistent world. She looked at the ceiling, hoping an answer would appear. It would be written in the old-fashioned pattern of the office, it'd answer all of her questions. Even more, it'd give her a second chance. The possibility to change this whole mess. She could give her brother a better life, she'd no longer need to lie and sneak around as the Omen Vigilante, so they called her. She just wanted things to be...peaceful. She wanted to understand. Masaki stopped writing, looking at the girl on the couch. She'd deny it, over and over again, but this girl's emotional state was worn thin by a single life she lived. Masaki wanted to stop the next words, but Kaori needed to hear her.

" You're gonna drop dead soon, ya know? You're scrambling to make a difference, you're trying to impress your Dad, trying to help this little girl. Are you ever gonna be content with it all?" Masaki asked. Kaori's brows knotted into confusion, blinking her eyes a couple of times. The exhaustion hit her like a brick. Dr. Masaki's right. I'm gonna drop dead. I'm dripping, now, but...I can feel death around the corner. Kaori thought she'd figured out what the Doctor meant, but she was thinking far from it. Masaki was trying to convince her to relax and let loose. Spend time with her friends and family without working herself to the bone. Instead, Kaori thought about her exhausted, emotional death. She led herself to believe she'd drop soon. Masaki sensed the girl's mind becoming too cluttered, speaking up softly. She really hated her words, now.

" I may be a bitch, Kaori, but I'll always listen to you."

" Thanks...Dr. Masaki."

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