A Day With Katsuki Bakugou

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" Where are you going?" Aizawa asked, peeking around the corner, watching Kaori slip her shoes on. 

" Going to hang out with a friend." She said, slipping her other shoe on. 

" Which one? Ashido?" Aizawa asked. Kaori stood from her place on the ground, grabbing a jacket. He wouldn't freak out if I said Bakugou, right? No, Chichi is too chill.

" Bakugou." She answered, quick and simple. There was silence after that, confusing Kaori. She turned around, face to face with Aizawa and his strange aura. 

" Why him?" He asked, trying to sound calm, but it did not come off that way. 

" He asked me to hang out." She said, stuffing her phone in her pocket. 

" It's not a date is it? Do you like him?" Aizawa asked, his hair beginning to levitate. Kaori blushed a bit, not thinking of that idea. Bakugou would've just said it was a date. I don't like him like that. But why does thinking of that make me flustered? That's just a common reaction to assumptions like that. This is stupid! First Todoroki, now Bakugou. 

" SO IT IS A DATE." Aizawa said, grasping onto his capture scarf as it too began to float. She waved her hands in the air, sweat-dropping. 

" IT'S NOT, I SWEAR! I DON'T LIKE HIM!" Kaori said, trying to calm him down. Aizawa starred at her in silence for a solid minute before calming down, returning to his usual self. He placed a hand on her head, ruffling it up a bit. 

" Just be safe and don't get kidnapped. If he does anything, you have my permission to erase him from existence." He said, turning away with the last part. 

" How do you know if you like someone..?" She asked, squeezing her eyes shut. Aizawa stopped in his tracks, turning to face her. 

" Well, sometimes you feel calmer around them, sometimes you get easily flustered. You might get butterflies or maybe you might feel more comfortable talking with them than most other people. Why?" He asked. She let out a small sigh, thinking over what he said. I shouldn't fall this easily for people. Feelings are so...confusing. 

" I don't know, I just wondered. I mean, you know because of Hizashi and Mom, I just wondered what it would feel like when I'm around that person.I'll see you later, Chichi! Have fun on your date!" She said, waving to Aizawa before disappearing outside the house. She took in a deep breath, letting it out quickly. Feelings SUCK.


" I can't believe I'm doing this..." Kaori muttered to herself, stuffing a hand in one pocket while scrolling through Pinterest with her other. Currently, she was headed for the park, where she would meet Bakugou. It seemed like not just Aizawa sensed her problem with feelings, but the internet did to. She clicked another picture, reading it carefully. If you fell for two people and are having problems deciding who you love, pick the second one. If you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one. Kaori stopped in her tracks, looking up from her phone. 

" The internet is scary accurate." Kaori said, shuddering at that thought. She continued walking, stuffing her phone in her pocket. After a minute or two of walking, she spotted Bakugou sitting on a park bench. She walked forward, waving as he finally noticed her. 

" Took you long enough." He said, standing from the bench and walking towards her. 

" Yeah, well, Parents who are Teachers require very on-point explanations when you got out." She said, giving a small smirk. He scoffed, a smirk plastered on his face. 

" How'd the Old Man take it?" He asked as the two began to walk. Kaori shrugged, leaning her head side to side. 

" Well, he thought you were Ashido at first, then I told him it was you and he came close to committing a felony." She said, smirking at him briefly. 

" Whatever. The Old Man can try all he wants." Bakugou said, smirking confidently, believing he could beat the Pro. 

" Yeah, as I remember, he didn't have to try too hard during Midoriya's ball throw." She said, placing a finger to her cheek as she sarcastically went into deep thought. He growled and grumbled some, mocking her silently. This earned a small laugh from Kaori. The two continued walking in the park, briefly talking about different things. Soon enough, by some magical power of teleportation and not laziness from the author--they stumbled upon a skating rink. 

" Can you skate?" Kaori asked. 

" Of course I can, dumbass! I'm the best at everything," Bakugou claimed before looking down at Kaori. " Can you?"

" Yes. I can. Very good, actually. Wanna see who's better?" She asked, smirking up at him. A dark aura passed over him as small explosions began to set of in his palms. 

" I'm gonna annihilate you, Time-Fucker." He said. She hummed, unconvinced, walking into the skating rink. The two walked in, heading for the counter. As Kaori was about to pull out some money, Bakugou already gave it to the person. 

" Thanks, but I could've paid for myself." She said, taking her skates.

" Too slow." He shrugged, walking away from her. She followed him, pulling on her skates and tying them tightly. Bakugou skated around the benches a few times, whistling impatiently. 

" Calm down, you Big Baby. I'm re-AH!" Kaori said, standing from the bench before slipping and falling back on the bench. Bakugou stopped skating and began laughing so hard, he almost fell himself. 

" Shush! I'm a little rusty, okay?!" She said, smacking his head as she stood again, being sure not to fall like she did last time. Bakugou tried to stop laughing, but the scene kept replaying, her face more priceless each time. Kaori crossed her eyes, pouting. Damn it, Bakugou. Quit laughing. It's not funny. Bakugou finally calmed himself down, wiping the hysterical tears from his eyes. 

" Alright, c'mon. Time to skate!" Kaori said, skating toward the wall. 

" Try to fall on your face, please." Bakugou said, skating in after her with a chuckle. She looked at Bakugou, unimpressed, before skating back around the rink. After about 30 minutes of this, the two began to go faster, silently challenging each other to a race. 

" YOU'RE GONNA LOSE, DAMMIT!!" Bakugou said, the two at equal speeds. 

" We'll have to see about that, CHIHUAHUA-MAN!!" She said, turning to face him with a challenging smile. The two zoomed around the circle, one beating the other one round while the other beat the one the next. This went on for quite some time, until they crashed into each other because LOGIC (fight me, I'm tired) Bakugou fell onto Kaori, who was sprawled out on the ground. Kaori broke into a fit of laughter as Bakugou blamed her for sabotaging his win. Kaori sat up, holding her stomach as her wheezing came to an end. Bakugou stood up, offering a hand despite how much he wanted to smack her upside the head. She took his hand, standing carefully. After skating around the rink once more, the man at the booth played a song that made Kaori gasp loudly. 

" What the fuck was that, Weasel?" Bakugou asked. 

" It's Mayonaka! Stay with me? OH COME ON, IT'S THE BEST SONG EVER!" She said, beginning to skate again. Bakugou barked at her, following behind as she skated with a bright smile. Bakugou caught himself smiling, quickly trying to hide it, but seeing this scene made him....happy? It was weird. As the song ended, the two decided it was best to wrap it up and head home. The two stepped out of the rink, talking briefly. 

" Well, today was fun. Thanks for inviting me." Kaori said, smiling at him. Bakugou rolled his eyes, but that mask didn't offend Kaori. 

" Yeah, whatever. You're the only one tolerable enough to hang out with other than Shitty Hair." Bakugou said.

" Are you saying I'm your friend?" 

" Tch. Whatever. Go home, nerd."


" SHUT UP!!"

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