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Today was the UA School Festival. Kaori was confident in their performance, beyond sure that they could make people smile. However, it didn't stop performance jitters. Kaori, being the secretary she was, was going around, making sure to double check things one more time with each group. As she finished talking with the Special Effects team, Ashido pranced over to her with a bright smile.

" Hey, don't you have to go get ready? Go, girl! We're all set and excited! Go, go, go!" Ashido said, taking her clipboard and pushing her away. Kaori didn't put up a fight and instead walked toward's the Band's waiting room. She walked in, seeing Bakugou refusing to put on the Band shirt. Momo was taking a few breathing exercises while Jiro was prepping herself and the team. Jiro turned to her as she closed the door and walked over, eager.

" Is Midoriya back yet?" Jiro asked.

" Nope," She answered. Jiro's nerves seemed to spike at this note. " But we shouldn't doubt him. He'll come in time and the show will be a hit!" Jiro nodded, taking in a deep breath before exhaling as slowly as possible.

" Damn Deku! Always trying to be a show-off and come in last minute!" Bakugou growled, looking back at them.

" If you stall putting on that shirt for 5 more seconds, I will use your head as a drum and play every MCR song that exists. Understood?" Kaori threatened, narrowing her eyes at the boy. Bakugou snatched the shirt from Tokoyami's hand, putting on grumpily.

" Whatever, Voo-doo." Bakugou said, turning away from them all. Kaori sighed, put on a smirk as she turned to look at her friends.

" He may have badass skills, but he's such an ass half-the-time he yaps." Kaori said, falling down into the chair that randomly appeared behind her. Momo and Jiro chuckled a bit, before Jiro smirked at her, prancing over lightly. 

" You still gonna do it?" Jiro whispered, acting all sneakily. Kaori blushed lightly, pushing the girl's face away. 

" I can't believe I agreed to this nonsense. Yes, plans are plans. I-" She said, but was cut short when Iida entered the room. All heads turned to him.

" It's 5 to 10. We better start heading out there." The boy said, moving aside so anyone could walk out of the doorway. The Band walked out, either putting on brave faces or calming the nerves that continuously began to rise. Only 5 minutes....5 minutes till Eri will see us. Kaori and the Band made their way to the back curtain, readying themselves at their designated entrance. I know it seems like a stupid dream right now, but...The lights went out after just 3 minutes. They hurried to their positions, making no sound as they readied themselves. I hope to see her smile.

The curtain opened, revealing the band's silhouette through the blinding lights behind them. Jiro held her guitar in her grasp, readying to play their song. Kaori stood before a mic, guitar in hand. The dancers filed on stage as silence rung through the stadium. From the audience, Mirio and Eri watched as they saw the students slowly appear from behind the curtain.

" How's this, Eri? Can you see?" Mirio asked, looking to the small girl. Eri's eyes, sparkling from the spot light, watched in anticipation.

" Yeah. I can see them." She said, quiet and soft. Eri made a small gasp, seeing her heroes on stage. Kaori's eyes went straight to Eri, a smile plastered on her face. She was ready. From beyond the audience stood Aizawa and Mic, watching the performance from the very back.

" I hope they pull this off." Aizawa said, looking over the kids he'd watched grow.

" Don't tell me you're nervous! I'm looking forward to see what they've got for us!!" Mic said from beside him, punching his shoulder lightly. He hummed silently, not giving any further commentary. Then, the lights went down. The noise in the stadium subsided, curious to know what happened. A deep strum vibrated through the stadium. 

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