The #1 Hero

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super looonnnggg chapter. why? because I like them.


i know your secret

Kaori's brows furrowed before she looked back into the sky. Hawks was long gone into the sky by now, his bright crimson feathers nowhere to be seen. She narrowed her eyes at the sky, wondering what this bird was trying to uncover about her. She looked back down at the book in her hands. For some reason, more and more people are starting to become more questioning. Maybe visiting him as Omen would uncover some information.

. . .


" CALL US THE FLAMING SIDE-KICKERS!!" A group of 5 sidekicks greeted the four Work Study students as they were left in the side-kicks' dispatch area. Beside the 5 side-kicks stood the most notable of Endeavor's second hands, Burnin'. She was a feisty woman with electric green flames for hair, a small rasp to her voice although she grinned excitedly at them.

" First Work Study for you two, huh?" Burnin' questioned, pointing towards Bakugou and Todoroki. " No worries, we'll have you whipped into shape in no time." Burnin' twirled dramatically before extending their arms, almost as if she was presenting the spacious room as a sort of secret intelligence agency.

" This is a gigantic operation, here! Nothing like your boring old classes! More than 30 sidekicks employed, we've got about 100 requests comin' in every few minutes! In other words, your gonna be working your infant hineys in order to really shine! Sorry-not-sorry, infants!" Burnin' smiled, the aura of challenge surrounding here as she got in each of their faces. She came face to face with Bakugou, who mirrored her grin of challenge to perfection.

" You don't say? We'll be beating the Pros' at their own game then!" Bakugou shot back.

" You sure can try, infant #2."

As the sidekicks made small-talk with them teenagers, Kaori zoned out, staring at the book in her hands. She flipped open the pages, reading the first few lines slowly. The second part. Second character, second sentence. She read the second highlighted line, skipping them, finding no message or important morals to note. Nothing, she understood none of what he was trying to hint at. She heard the strong bang of a door, closing her book as she looked ahead. Endeavor appeared from his office, the noise and movement ceasing. The big man walked forward, making a beeline for the Work Study kids.

" Shoto. Deku. Back-Track. Bakugou. I will look after you three myself, so, we'll start your Work Studies now. Getting suited up, then meet me here. Burnin', please escort Shimura to her changing room. Kido, escort the boys." Endeavor instructed before walking past the students, leaving them to the sidekicks once more.

" Infant!" Burnin' wrapped an arm around Kaori's neck, the girl letting out a small 'oof' as she looked to the woman. " Gotta say, love the hair! I love individuality, it makes people interesting to look at! C'mon, let's get you lookin' like fire!"

. . .

(disclaimer; the art belongs to me)

" Deku, Bakugou, Back-Track. Before we begin, tell me about yourselves. What are you currently capable of? What weaknesses can you improve on?" Endeavor stood before them, his arms crossed as the four children stood in front of him, listening intently. Kaori crossed her arms over her chest, hips swaying from side to side slowly.

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