CLASS 1A, you guys are so tiring -_-

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Kaori had arrived in 1A's classroom early, reading through the not-so new article. Only 9 days ago had a sudden attack appeared in Deika city. While it seemed normal enough, the damage was beyond any pitiful villain attack. There mass amounts of buildings destroyed, completely decomposed into just pieces of what they once were. They even said it was worse than Kamino. Her mind flashed back to the moment she and Bakugou were in the middle of all that wreckage, just meters away from All For One. She covered her mouth a bit, holding her head up as she tapped a finger to her lips. Her eyes narrowed as the image continued to flick from the disaster to the people. The only thing fishier than the attack was it's residence. Many towns, especially ones with such a large scale attack, would be questioning if the Heroes were really doing their job, especially after what had been happening the last few months.

" It's foolish to blame the Heroes for the attack that occurred here."

" Don't hate on the Heroes for doing their best. It's not like they have office gigs."

" I hope this makes them wanna work even harder!"

" We'll keep doing our best to support them!"

It doesn't add up. Just because of a smaller population and fewer casualties, it doesn't mean they weren't upset. There was a large section of Deika destroyed, plus their responses are too...civil. Whatever it is, it doesn't make sense. Kaori saved the article on her phone, making sure to review it later and add it to Operation K.S. Maybe she'd check it out herself.

" OI! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!" Bakugou's voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked up in confusion. Bakugou clicked his tongue, leaning against her desk as he looked away from her, starring at the wall opposite of them.

" You've been really spaced out lately. Is something wrong?" He asked, huffing as if he was annoyed. She shook her head, turning off her phone as she stuffed it into the bag that lay at her side. She turned back to Bakugou, giving a smile.

" Nothing. I'm just keeping an eye out for possible Work Studies. Congratulations, by the way," She encouraged, closing her eyes as she punched his arm lightly. " Maybe Jeanist will consider taking us on. Haven't heard much news though." Bakugou clicked his tongue again, leaning his head to the side in annoyance.

" He better. I gotta report back to him on something." He leaned his head back, eyes traveling to look back at her. Her brow raised instinctively as she tilted her head to the side.

" What's that-" Before she could finish her sentence, the classroom door slid open with a bang, catching the class's attention. Cue the hottest heroes on the billboard.

" The world's on fire and everyone's scared," Mt. Lady sauntered in the room, flaunting her body as Midnight followed behind, competing for the students' love. " Are people cheering for Pro's they've got ample faith in, or praying desperately we don't get our butts kicked?" Bakugou let out an annoyed groan as his scrunched up in disgust, trudging back towards his desk as Mineta's jaw dropped with the weight of his drool.

" Our job has been more about Celebrity in past years. Now the world wants to see real heroes again." Mt. Lady continued to flaunt her ass, contrasting as Midnight showed off her chest. Kaori's eyes narrowed in distaste as she contemplated Mt. Lady's sentence. What do you mean now? Real Heroes should always be what everybody's looking for. It's what you should be striving for. Aizawa trudged into the room, sleeping bag in hand and ready to be used.

" Mt. Lady has come today as a guest instructor. She'll be teaching you how to deal with publicity, and Midnight's here to assist her." Aizawa explained, jumping into his sleeping bag as he leaned against the wall, zipping himself up. Mt. Lady smiled at the students, winking as she gave a wave, wiggling her fingers in that fancy way.

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