The Day Has Come

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Kaori, we need to wake up.


Kaori's eyes fluttered open slowly, splotches of black and white appearing over her vision. Her brows creased together in confusion as an unusual smell filled her nostrils. It smells like a hospital.

" Look who's up."

The familiar sarcastic voice was a surprise to Kaori. She propped herself up with her elbows, staring at the hospital room she seemed to be in. She turned to her left, seeing her therapist, Fumiko Masaki.

" What am I doing here?" Kaori asked, her voice cracking. Masaki stood, walking towards the counter as she poured a cup of water for Kaori. Masaki stood at Kaori's bedside as the girl gratefully took the water, downing it in seconds.

" You had a seizure, a pseudo seizure to be specific. Luckily, your episode only lasted 10 minutes, although you ended up passing out in the end." Masaki explained. Kaori's eyes widened, she hadn't remembered having a seizure at all.

Kaori turned towards Masaki, " What's a pseudo seizure?"

Masaki took Kaori's cup of water, refilling it quickly before returning to her bedside.

Masaki began to explain. " It means whatever internal stress you've been penting up has become extremely powerful to the point it caused a seizure. Luckily, it isn't quite as deep as Epilepsy, but it can get serious fast."

Kaori's eyes looked toward her cup, registering the words slowly. Everything became fuzzy for a few seconds. We do not have time to waste here, we must return to UA, heal, and be ready to search for the League's traces. The world returned to it's natural state.

" How long have I been out?" Kaori asked, setting down the cup, pushing the Hospital covers off of her. Masaki took note of her haste movements, laying her hand atop of Kaori's as she tried to the leave the bed.

" Rest. The seizure was just the other day, it's not like the world can change that fast." Masaki reassured, but despite what she managed for a comforting look, Kaori stood, looking around the room. She moved toward the door, before Masaki blocked her path.

" Kaori, you need to sit down. You can't be discharged till tomorrow, so take a minute-" Masaki tried to explain, but Kaori moved past her. She reached for the door knob, taking a hold of it before pausing. Why was Masaki here, and not her Father?

Kaori didn't look up, " Masaki, where's Chichi?"

Masaki seemed to struggle, trying to keep her mouth shut, " He left to-....shut up, you're gonna be an asshole-.....he and Mr. Yamada-...MMF...SHUT UP!"

Kaori turned to look at Dr. Masaki, watching as the woman clamped a hand over her mouth, sweat nearly trickling down her forehead. She looked at Kaori with a strange emotion, shutting her eyes tightly as Kaori moved forward.

Kaori spoke slowly, " Dr. Masaki, where is Chichi?"

Masaki let her mouth fall to her side, speaking suddenly, " HE COULDN'T MAKE IT!"

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