Just Another Day

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" The Hero Work Studies are a more serious version of your internships."

Aizawa stood before his class, all excited to hear about these Work Studies they'd heard so much about. Who knows what could've been included? Being treated like a Pro, getting noticed. It all seemed like one big BANG of Joy. If only they knew the upcoming events for some of their classmates.

" They entail helping Pro agencies on the streets and in investigations. Your teachers and the principal discussed them at the faculty meeting, and we all agree. It's too soon. They should really be cancelled." Aizawa said, shocking the students for a moment.

" WHAT?!"

Most of them burst out this commonly used word, but truly, they should've paid attention as to how he phrased his sentence. They SHOULD be cancelled. Not, they are cancelled. However, many were too dumb or dimwitted to realize his phrasing.

" But we already met about them!" Kirishima whined. You know, it was funny. His whine wasn't annoying, it was just sad. As in, it wasn't a sad whine, it was just a sad excuse of a whine. Kaori let out a huff as she waited for them to shut up so Aizawa could finish speaking.

" I guess, when you think about why we had to move into the dorms, it does make sense." Kaminari said, playing with the end of Ojiro's tail lightly. However, Bakugou seemed to be the only one happy about this. Ah, yes, my boyfriend. Taking in half of these children's misery. He even stood from his desk, shouting HA! in excitement.

" You're just salty, Bakugou. Listen to how he phrased it, then we'll see who's laughing." She looked back at him, a smirk of her own sprouting. Bakugou's breath hitch a bit as he stood frozen.

" However, some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook. With that in mind, the comprise is to be selective about participating agencies. I would advise you to choose one with a proven track record. Otherwise, taking part would be a waist of your time." Aizawa said, closing his eyes briefly at the end of his speech. Bakugou growled in anger. He was close to a roar, to say. Kaori chuckled evilly within the depths of her mind. Picture this : Within the depths of her traumatized, innocent mind, she is laughing like Monoma, just 5 notches down from Chaotically disoriented. Get what I'm going for? 

" DAMN IT!!!"


" Hey, Chichi, can I talk to you?" Kaori peered into the Teacher's lounge, catching Aizawa and Mic conversating at the small table. He was drinking a cup of black coffee while Mic was chatting his head off. The two looked over at her at her sudden presence, flashing smiles. 

" Yeah, come sit kid." Aizawa gestured to the seat across from him with his mug. She gave a nod, closing the door behind her before sitting next to Mic. He ruffled her hair lightly, earning a playful glare from the teenager. She turned back to face her Father, swinging one leg over the other.

" I was wondering, do you do Work Studies?" She went straight to the point, signaling she was hoping to do one with him except some other Hero.

" No. I had to take care of this really annoying kid, remember?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee. She gave a fake amused smile, congratulating him on his witty response time. 

" I almost feel bad for the kid. Must've been weird living with an old man obsessed with cats." She retorted, her own devilish smirk appearing. He gave an amused nod, setting his cup down.

" Well, I'm sure Bakugou would love to take you home." He responded. 

" Almost as much as you would've loved to put a ring on it if you'd told me sooner." She leaned forward, resting her arms on her legs. Aizawa was about to retort before realizing he couldn't. 

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