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After half an hour of talking, the officer told her she was free from questions. She'd told them everything she could recall. Her family's living situation, her father's abusive nature to her brother, sister, and herself, her mother's continuous kind nature toward them all, and....what'd happened in the backyard of her home. She cried during most of it, to which the officer allowed her to. A detective took notes as he asked questions, making sure to file a search warrant during his note taking. The detective left early, handing in the search warrant and heading out with a group of officers to hunt down possible suspects in the sudden murder and investigate and isolate the crime scene. When the officer lead her into the main room, where Naomi and Shota sat, her first instinct was to run to them. So, when she caught sight of them sitting silently, Shota resting his head on Naomi's shoulder, she immediately ran over to them, now clenching onto the newly cleaned locket. During her questioning, she'd had to show them her mother's locket, to which they kindly cleaned for her. When Naomi heard the familiar sound of tiny footsteps, she shot up, a wide smile spreading across her face. Naomi's sudden movements awoke the half-asleep Shota, making him look around the station groggily. Kaori basically jumped into Naomi's arms, snuggling against her for warmth and comfort. Naomi gladly returned the hug, causing Shota to smile slightly due to the cute scene before him as well as the after emotion of his sudden awakening.

" Her name is Kaori Shimura, but I'm sure you probably knew her name before I took her in. We sent out a search party a few minutes ago to investigate her home, search for any family members. As for what happened..." The officer said, before turning over his clipboard and handing it to Shota. Shota took it, reading through the highlighted parts. His gaze darkened as his breathing became uneven with sudden anger. Naomi looked over before looking away, letting out an uneasy breath.

" Hey, sweetheart, could you show them what you showed me?" The officer asked, gaining her attention again. She nodded, now showing the two the small, silver locket she'd kept clenched in her fists. She clicked a small, silver button on the side of the heart, it simultaneously opening. There showed a tall man with sleeked, black hair or, at least, that's what they could guess. The image was in black and white, making it impossible to tell what color his hair actually was. His face was stern and cold, not showing any hint of someone who could be a father. There, sitting on the chair, was a kinder looking woman, holding a small baby in her arms. Next to her was a small boy in an oversized, button-up shirt. Behind the little boy was a girl, taller than him, smiling smugly, almost mischievous looking, standing in front of the tall man.

" That's Nana, that's Koko, that's Haha, and that's Chichi. That's me in Haha's lap. I was a baby when we took the picture." Kaori said, pointing her small finger at each of her family members.

" Your brother and sister are adorable and your mother is beautiful." Naomi said, smiling at her softly.

" Nana was....10? Tenko was 7 and Mama and Daddy are.....old." Kaori said, not being able to recall her mother or father's age.

" Naomi Sakura, correct? If you'd like, I can give you further details as to what Kaori here encountered." The officer said, placing his hands in his uniform's pockets. Naomi nodded, smiling down at Kaori after. Kaori climbed into Shota's lap, allowing Naomi to stand and leave. Kaori started to sway back and forth lazily, her eyes becoming heavier with each passing moment. Despite her efforts to keep her eyes open, they drifted shut, her small body laying against Shota. Shota put his arm around her, rubbing her back comfortingly. After what he'd skimmed through, reading the horrifying scenes she faced, comfort was the most important thing anyone could give her right now, even if they were uncomfortable with it. He watched as the officer and Naomi conversed with each other, Naomi's hand covering her mouth as her eyes seemed to widen in horror. Naomi looked at the two of them, then back to officer Niku. Naomi's hand glided back down to her side and she nodded, bowing to the officer. Naomi walked back over, fiddling with her hands. She sat down silently, brushing her hand softly against Kaori's cheek. She took in a small breath, preparing the story she was about to tell.

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