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" Are you Kaori Shimura?"

Kaori stood, glaring sharply at the woman. She stepped over Jiro's body, standing in front to protect her. Something swept through both girls' minds. Mandalay's voice sounded through their minds. Neither moved as they listened to the message.

" Attention everybody! We're being attacked by villains! Find you classmates and keep safe!"

The two stood in silence, waiting for the other to make the first move. In a sudden second, both were directly in front of each other, blocking the other from making a move. Kaori had her arms crossed in front of her, blocking the magic girl's attack. The woman jumped back, dodging Kaori's hand. 

" How did you find the camp?" She asked, readying herself in another fighting stance. The pale-eyed woman stood normally, now rendering herself silent. Kaori didn't really expect an answer either way. The woman ran forward, creating the incantation as she ran. Kaori ran forward, watching as she used her Quirk. She split the incantation into three, the smaller incantations growing up her arm. A purple light emitted from her palm, taking shape of a glowing lavender sword. The woman twirled it in her hand, quickly shifting her feet from place to place, swiping low towards Kaori's stomach. Kaori jumped back, watching as it cut a single slit through her shirt. Her skin remained untouched. She looked back up, seeing the form of the sword shifting into a boa. She brought her arms above her head, grabbing onto the end and flipping the woman over. She watched as the woman passed over her head, sliding across the ground in a knelt position. The woman shot forward again, the spell now spreading to her other arm. Two chains shot toward her, one out for her feet as the other tried to swing around her body. She jumped back, barely dodging the first chain before ducking low to the ground. She stood again, raising a fist, but the chain had quickly captured her wrist. 

" Shit.." Kaori's body was suddenly pulled off the ground, hurtling toward the woman. Kaori's other arm was soon chained to her previously captured arm. She struggled in the woman's magic as she got closer. The woman allowed the chains to end from her palm, securing them around the girl. She brought her hands toward Kaori's face. Kaori moved her face in all direction, avoiding her touch as much as possible. As the woman came closer, Kaori took the action of head-butting her. The force knocked her towards the ground, but before she could hit it, she felt herself lay on something soft and squishy. She looked up, seeing the pale-eyed woman's face. The woman's fingers glowed as they touched her temples. Kaori thrashed violently, trying to shake off the woman's grasp. Kaori's hands began to clench up, her knuckles turning white. A burning pain coursed through her mind, earning an ear-piercing scream. She re-opened her eyes as she felt the pain begin to numb. She breathed heavily, staring puzzled at the light above her. It was day. There was a figure above her, their face blocked by the light. As her eyes began to adjust, her breath hitched sharply. The woman in front of her smiled. 

" Hello, darling. I've missed you." Her mother, said, touching her face gently. Kaori sat up suddenly, covering her mouth as her eyes began to sting with tears. She hadn't aged a bit. Her soft brown hair was still as vibrant as ever and her scarlet-auburn eyes were still so full of life. She reached her hand out, touching her mother's face. Nao smiled, closing her eyes briefly.

" It's me, my darling. I'm here," Nao said, taking Kaori's hand. Kaori let her other hand fall, letting out a smile of relief. " We're all here." Nao looked beyond her. Kaori's eyes knitted together, but she turned her head. Her smile grew as she saw her family. Her late dog barked, running up to her. She held out her arms, soon enveloping the dog with a hug. She scratched behind his ears, smiling at him as tears began to fall. She looked up at her family, standing as she looked over them all. Hana and Tenko were smiling, laughing with their grandparents. They were still old, but the kind love was still in their eyes. Her Father walked forward, wearing a sheepish smile. 

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