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*short chap!

As the three heroes-in-training, plus Shinsou, made their way back into the group of other heroes-in-training, Mina immediately pounced on Kaori, laughing and giggling as Kaori made no movement and stood there simply, Mina clinging to her side. Shinsou obviously left at that moment, the enthusiasm and extroverted energy beaming too bright for his tastes. Midoriya just laughed at the zero surprise Mina had made. Meanwhile, Bakugou was fuming because Mina nearly knocked him over on her way to tackle his girlfriend.

" WOULD YA WATCH YOU'RE GOING, DAMMIT?!" Bakugou shouted at her, holding up a clenched fist as Kaori's eyes slid from the one corner of her eyes back to the other, watching Mina stick out her tongue to the explosive student. Before Bakugou could argue any longer, Jiro intervened.

" Bakugou, it's time for our match." Bakugou grumbled, turning around as he calmed. He walked off with Jiro, Sato, and Sero, a few people watching as they left before looking away and resuming their conversations. Kaori's eyes lingered on the retreating group. Personally, she was excited to see how far he'd come with liability and teamwork. Although Kaori's gaze might've seemed hesitant, Mina was a little suspicious that it lasted so long.

" You know, I've been meaning to ask~" Mina let her ask slither for a moment more. " What's going on with you and Bakubae?" Kaori was caught off guard for a moment before taking Mina and setting her on the ground. She starred directly into Mina's alien eyes.

" KEEP YOUR SIMP SENSES TO YOURSELF, MINA ASHIDO." Kaori half-threatened, a shadow passing over her features, her eyes the only visible deathly thing. Mina stiffened, shaking her head up and down, almost feeling a chill run down her spine. Students began to gather around as the large screen changed to show the previous teams results. So far, Class B and Class A had a similar score in everything. A draw, a win, and a lose. Hopefully this match'll break it.

" Class A and Class B are currently neck-in-neck according to the status rating, and although things seemed tied, Class A only won the first match thanks to Shinsou, making them inferior compared to Class B! HA! I think we all know what that says about them!" Vlad King gave out a hearty laugh, Kaori immediately catching the biased opinion. Class A obviously wasn't too happy about this and Kaori knew just the way to fix this. She stretched out her arms, cracking her fingers easily. Alright, niece skills to the rescue! Kaori cleared her throat, silently making her way to the front of the group. And, action! Kaori's eyes widened gradually, beginning to slightly crystallize with fake hurt.

" Why are you making fun of me? Am I not your favorite niece anymore?" She asked, a small tear forming and dropping down her cheek. Vlad froze before turning to Kaori, going soft as a kitten. It almost looked like little hearts and sparkles formed around his head.

" Don't you worry, Kaori! You'll always be my favorite niece, I'm just trying out Aizawa's method of encouragement!" He smiled, resting his hands on her shoulder. Kaori sniffed, nodding lightly. I'm the best actor ever! Vlad turned back to the classes, who watched in utter disbelief, taking in a deep inhale before letting out a mighty roar.

" ALL RIGHT CLASS A, YOU BETTER PULL YOUR BEST OR ELSE CLASS B'S GONNA TRAMPLE YOU! YOU GOT THAT?! DO YOUR BEST LIKE I KNOW YOU CAN!!" Vlad screamed at him, Kaori's act falling as his back was turned to her. She straightened her posture, tossing her hair lightly. Students stood straight, saluting with an affirmative 'yes,sir'.

" You really are getting good at that." Midnight commented from beside her, smirking lightly.

" I know, right? Picked up a few tricks from Eri." Kaori whispered, crossing her arms across her chest. Midnight giggled, resting an arm on her shoulder. The two conversed back and forth in whispers, giggling every few seconds until Aizawa walked by.

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